Break the Bondage of Sexual Sin
How long will we be ok with sexual bondage in the church? Christian leaders and millions of believers struggle in the dark with promiscuity, maybe you do too. But this sin only has power because it hasn’t been dragged into the light, rebuked, and had the hell throttled out of it. If you want to be free from adultery, pornography addiction, and every unclean spirit, sign up for this TRIBE event.
Guard Yourself From Perversion
You’re going to become a catalyst of freedom from sexual sin and helps 100’s to 1,000’s of people redeem their sexuality for the Lord.
These are some topics we will cover
How to kick out demons of lust, perversion, and unclean spirits
How to break ties with past sexual partners
What a healthy sex drive looks like and how to get one
How to be free from homosexuality
How to bind lustful thoughts and keep your mind and eyes pure for the Lord
How to see sex in the beautiful way that the bible describes it
How to control your body in a way that is holy and honorable
It’s Time To Join The TRIBE!
June 23rd @ 10am (PDT)
Rhino member levels and up get access to break-out rooms where Apostle Colette Toach and the NextGen Prophets Team will host a live Q&A: