It’s A Wi ld Story
Let’s Get Real.
Our ministry began in 1999 when we moved from South Africa to Mexico to serve God. When we arrived, we started the 1st online prophetic school. Since then, we’ve written 53 books, launched 2 schools, and released a podcast that reaches over 120 countries.
If you want the full story, with all of the details, CLICK HERE
We Believe
We Believe 〰️
Team Work
The core of our ministry DNA is based on Fivefold Ministry teamwork. We Travel the world teaching ministries how to work together effectively to fulfill their mandates. Every member of the team has incredible value once they discover their place and grace
Spiritual Parenting
Apostles build for the next generation. For this reason, we have a strong focus on apostolic parenting. Through one-on-one investment, impartation, and spiritual guidance, we believe that the next generation should always go higher.
Character is more important than gifting. That’s why we teach our students to imitate Christ. Before they are released, we make sure they serve in a ministry, work with their leader, and use their gifts for the body of Christ.
All of our ministry divisions follow our T.R.E.A.T culture. It stands for
It’s our constant reminder that we represent Jesus in all that we do.
Meet The Team