Ministry Acceleration Program M.A.P.

Receive hands-on mentorship from Apostles Craig and Colette with the goal of launching your ministry


The Program

Our preferred pulpit has always been around the dinner table or sitting room. True change happens when you do life together. Influence is only made when you connect beyond the platform. So… before you read any further there is something that you should know about us. We have always been rebels. We tried fitting into the status quo and decided it was more comfortable to fit out. Go figure - we found our people waiting on the other side of the norm! Who knew?!

You know who we are. You have read the books and done the courses. So we don’t need to warn you that this is about to get real. The kinda real that sandblasts whitewashed walls and upsets the spiritually stuffy. We are the kinda real that you either love or hate. This life is meant to be lived and this calling walked out - you cannot do either in half measure.

Now if you have been following us for a while what you might not have had up until now though is the personal “something” that you need to get the step up in your ministry. What you need is acceleration here. Good news! We took the long way around, got lost a few times and ate enough dust in the wilderness, to give you the shortcut!

How about that? You can bypass the tedious desert and go straight to the oasis. If you are willing to receive, then we are ready to impart, parent, cover and invest into you.

What to expect - How this all works

Let’s have some facetime. We have weekly interactive meetings via Zoom coupled with chat via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. During this program you will meet and interact with us both along with no more than 25 other leaders from around the world.

Personal Note: Apostle Colette prefers connection via WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger while Apostle Craig prefers connection via email and live interaction in weekly meetings.

With this program, we go beyond regular teaching and lectures and move directly to impartation and influence. So no, not everyone is accepted into the program. While we would love to be available to everyone, we have to face some realities here. Firstly, we are just two people. Then, we have an international ministry to run, a son to raise and a beagle to train. It’s true… in amongst doing what we love, we take time for datenight and sneak moments to dance in the kitchen.

So, admin letters are graciously handled by one of our team. Email lists and groups are maintained by our outstanding B Team, which leaves us available to help you with the good stuff - like accelerating your ministry!

What is required of you

We want to be upfront about who we accept into this program. Firstly we only accept 25 participants at a time. A larger group means less personal contact and interaction. Our goal here is to accelerate your ministry, not just give it a few sprinkles of random anointing.

1. Participants are accepted out of those that have completed one of the schools in Apostolic Movement International.

2. Participants are also accepted that are referred to us personally by one of our team. We are not rogue leaders! We esteem our team very highly and their word has a lot of influence on us.

Now if you do not fall into one of those two categories, you are still welcome to submit an application. What will happen is that Apostles Nathan and Chaifa Berry will reach out to you and see where you are in your process. They will help you identify your potential and then pass their recommendation on to us.

So… you need to actually know who we are and what we teach. check!

Next, let’s talk about money.

Got you right there didn’t we? No, we have not set a strict fee for this program. Now just because we do not set a fee does not mean that we do not expect you to invest! Rather we leave it open for you. What we do request is a monthly lovegift that you invest in faith, hope and love.

There is absolutely no price we can put on the heart and care we invest into you. So no fees, but yes, we appreciate your monthly financial support into us as spiritual parents, family and apostles.

How Long is the Program?

That’s the best part! The program is ongoing and for as long as you would like to keep your seat, you are welcome to stay. Our goal is to develop lifelong relationships here!

However, if you feel you want to opt in for just a particular topic and then opt out later on, you are more than welcome. We do prefer to accept participants at the launch of a new topic, however, you are welcome to join and remain in the program for as long as you feel you are receiving what you need for your ministry.

Next Up on the Program!

To connect we use Zoom, a private WhatsApp group and Facebook Messenger. So please ensure that you are familiar with and have an account with these systems.


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