MYTH: All prophets are the same and flow in the same anointing and grace.

FACT: High-powered prophets know their prophetic type and specialize in one area.

Discover your prophetic type. Find your grace. Birth a Prophetic Move.


Our Next Prophetic Mentorship Program Begins September 5th!

Pursue Your Prophetic Call. We’ll Reveal Your Prophetic Type.

Imagine if you knew the mandate God’s training you for. You'd save years of wandering around the wilderness. You'd walk in straight lines towards the end goal of your assignments. Your ministry success rate would increase by 70%.

Influential prophets are not better prophets, they know their grace and stay in it!

The Prophetic Mentorship Package is the most practical, effective, and powerful resource on prophetic identity ever created. Each lesson reveals powerful ways to learn what you’re doing on this earth and what you’re good at in the world. 

We use a clear, easy-to-follow format that explains the type of prophet you are and what you’re meant to be doing.

By the end of this package, you will know…


Your Prophetic Type

Where you excel and what makes you feel fulfilled when you do it. We cover 9 prophetic types and will confirm yours.

Myth: All prophets are the same, they flow in all the gifts and anointings.

Fact: High-powered prophets specialize in one area.

Your Prophetic Mandate

What does God want you to do and how does He want you to do it? Discover your assignment and clear directions with the tools to get the job done. Know what it looks like when you complete an assignment.

Myth: Being a prophet is enough, just show and pray and circumstances will change.

Fact: You have specific assignments from God that bring everlasting change when you do them.



Your Prophetic Grace

This is where God gives you favor. The anointing flows when you do this and you have a high success rate as you step out.

Myth: I can choose the grace I want and flow in it if I pray hard enough

Fact: God decided your grace before you were born and your process shaped you for it

Where God Positioned You

The marketplace, your local church, or under a leader. Where God positioned you and how to excel in that environment.

Myth: I’m in transition and I’m just here until my new assignment comes

Fact: You’re positioned on purpose by God and you’re on assignment today


Prophets Who Saw Instant Success

Here are some of our favorite testimonies from prophets who attended last year’s program. We told them to be honest so you can see if this package is right for you.

Tina Smith
The Christian Counselor Loved by All

I wanted to operate in the gifts of the spirit in a way that would set the captives free. But I didn't know I was getting so much more. I discovered the confirmation of my call.


  • Confirmed her prophetic call

  • Learned to decree into the lives of her patients

  • Discovered her marketplace place call

  • Learned to hear God’s voice much clearer


  • Was Good at sharing Jesus

  • But she knew God wanted to do more through here

Miranda DuBrey-Lefler
The Social Media Influencer With 40,000 Followers

“Through this program, I received confirmation on so many things. I learned what it really means to be a prophet, what my purpose is, and how to love the parts of me that I never liked before.”


  • Found a family who loves her and causes her to grow

  • Won her battle permanently!

  • Gives her followers powerful teaching and decrees

  • Become an example to her peers


  • Walked out her calling alone

  • Battled to win her lifelong battles

  • Desired to give her followers more than

Deryle Temple
The Lead Prophet and Ministry Director

“I gained a solid definition of what it means to be a prophet and what God expects of us. Now I know I don't have to look like everyone else"


  • Learned how to make her leader’s vision come to pass

  • Understood the function of a prophet

  • Found her prophetic voice

  • Became a top student in the AMI Prophetic School


  • Worked with church leaders for decades

  • Was a voice of direction and wisdom but knew God had bigger plans

Jaques Williams
The New Guy - Growing Every Day

“I walked away as a new person. I was revived, my mindset was renewed, and I had an assurance that I am in the will of God. I was equipped with the tools to function effectively in the body of Christ. “


  • Can hear God, interpret dreams, and help others do the same

  • Knows his function in church

  • Discovered his prophetic identity

  • Had a kid along the way


  • Struggled to hear God’s voice

  • Never knew how to step out in his prophetic call

Your 9-Video Lesson Curriculum Includes:

Lesson 1: Prophetic Types
Lesson 2: Your Prophetic Mandate
Lesson 3: The Diversity of Your Prophetic Grace
Lesson 4: Positioned and Appointed for Prophetic Service
Lesson 5: The Prophet in The Marketplace
Lesson 6: The Prophet in The Church
Lesson 7: Lead Alongside Your Pastor or Apostle With Humility and Grace
Lesson 8: Your Place in a Fivefold Ministry Team
Lesson 9: The Transition from Prophet to Another Fivefold Office

Please Note: This transaction is non-refundable.

All proceeds of this event go towards funding the international travel to reach God’s NextGen Prophets

Mentorship on Your Schedule - How it Works

1. 9 Recorded Teachings That Reveal Your Prophetic Identity

  • Unlimited views - download to your preferred device

  • Watch in the car, at home, or on your break. It’s on your time

  • Enjoy clear, in-depth training, with new teachings released every Friday

2. Personal Assessment for Every Project

  • Submit projects for each lesson (when you get to it)

  • Receive the Next Gen Prophets team’s feedback confirming your prophetic type, mandate, and call.

  • Your final project will be marked by Apostles Craig and Colette Toach. They monitor your process the whole way.

3. Exclusive Content & Bonus Features

  • Get a $50 gift certificate when you sign up. Purchase any of our materials at

  • Gain access to exclusive content not available anywhere else (worth $70)

4. Live Webinar

  • This is HUGE!! Live zoom event with Apostles Craig and Colette Toach

  • Apostles Craig and Colette Toach and their team speak prophetically into your life.

  • The webinar is exclusive to people who’ve purchased the Prophetic Mentorship Package

Our Guarantee to You

  • 100% spiritual breakthrough

  • Guaranteed fresh direction and answer for your prophetic call

  • Save time and mature as a prophet

A Message From Your Trainers

If you can’t stop thinking about Jesus and the ways you want to serve Him, this package is perfect for you. If you beg God to show you your purpose and to reveal the gifts He’s given you, we have a lot to offer you.

You want to register today. Not because we want your money, but because in 9 weeks you want to be different. You want to know who you are, do what God wants you to do, work with your leaders, and build the kingdom of heaven for Jesus.

We can and will help you do that in 9 weeks or less. If you feel the Holy Spirit leading you to join, click the button below. Obey His instruction and enter into a new season of your life.

This transaction is non-refundable.

All proceeds of this event go towards funding the international travel to reach God’s NextGen Prophets

Get Connected!

Have more questions or want to get connected with us? Feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to get back to you.