The Mandate that Changes Nations

I think that we severely underestimate the mandate of Jesus to, "Heal the broken hearted." Yet as we continue our tour in South Africa this particular mandate has struck me with the power it contains to heal and change a nation.

We struggle so hard in ourselves to "get ahead." We struggle to succeed and to walk in His power, but the reality is that the hurts and struggles within our hearts are the cords that hold us back. They are the chains that keep us in bondage.

You stand in faith. You push through with the principles. You try to love, yet hit a brick wall time and again. I have come to see that the greatest enemy we face is not the devil, but the struggles within ourselves. Our own hearts and limitations. No wonder this mandate is so revolutionary!

I tell you - the power of hurt blocks the hand of God in your life! Because that hurt holds on to so many things! It holds on to fear and guilt and bitterness. It makes you afraid to step out. It causes you to turn your eyes away from the Lord. It causes you to turn your eyes from love, leaving a huge gaping hole inside of you.

How can you walk in the power of God, yet at the same time want to run away so that your hurt is not brought to the light? If there is one desire that has begun to burn in my heart lately, it is that God's TRUE PROPHETS would arise! Those who are more interested in healing God's people than they are in fame and fortune!

I am crying out to the Lord every day, "Lord raise up your workers because the harvest is ready!" The Church is ready for this New Move, but until the broken hearts have been healed, will they even SEE the huge open door before them?

Cry out with me for the prophets to take their true place in the Church. Prophets with a heart after Jesus. Prophets who are willing to pay the price to GIVE and not TAKE! Prophets who will lament and weep over God's people until every hurt is healed!

As we minister with our team, God is using us to bring this healing, but there is just SO MUCH HURT OUT THERE! If you are called of the Lord to this office, stand and be counted! Stand up and be willing to do what you were born to do. To reach out with a hand of compassion to heal His people.

As always thank you so much for your prayer and financial support. We are so grateful to our partners who have enabled us to reach people that would otherwise never have been reached. God has sent us into the most hidden places - places that anyone who is "famous" in the church would not go to. Yet each time we find God's warriors - broken and bleeding. Each one we are able to pick up and heal is because of God's power and also our partners who help us actually GET to those places.

The places we minister at are not able to so much as cover our expenses for gas - so you must know what an impact having your prayer and support means to us and those we reach.

I guess I have ranted enough :) I just feel the heart of the Father today and want to motivate you to reach out your own hand in love to those who need it. If there are hurts in your own life - then seek God for healing!

Love you guys and above all, may you feel the heart of Jesus. May you feel His healing touch and THEN... may you go out and have an impact. Come on... Let's change the world TOGETHER!

With Love,

Craig and Colette Toach
Apostles and Spiritual Parents
Apostolic Movement International

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Some Pictures From Our Tour in South Africa...


Greetings from abroad


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