Apostolic Leadership Truth!

Apostolic Leadership Truth: You have always been held to a higher standard. More has always been expected of you. You've always been "intense" to all those around you, caring more about the kingdom of God than you care about family politics and the friends that you can gain. When everyone else can get away with doing whatever they would like, you just cannot shake the fact that you are doing what you know is wrong to do. Even when you do try to get away with doing something wrong, you are quickly called on it.

"It is not fair!" you have said time and time again. "I always seem to be the one taking the blame. I am wearing the load of responsibility. What about them, Lord? Why don't you get on their cases?"

Because they are not apostles - YOU ARE! To whom much is given, much is also required.

This is who God made you to be!

Just when you try to change so that you are not too intense or so that you do not rock the boat too much, the Lord comes to you and says, "Who made man's mouth?! Since when does the clay tell the potter how it must be and what it must look like?"

The hand of the Lord has, since the day you were born, been heavily upon you and you have been formed for an apostolic work that is greater than you realize.

You've had your time in the wilderness. You've endured your fair share of heartache and rejection. Now, the Lord comes to you with your apostolic charge - It is time to lay down the pattern that you have received from the Father.

All the visions, revelations, mountain experiences with the Father, they were not just for nothing! Apostle, it is time to put the pieces together and to lay a foundation!

To help you begin this process and fulfill this mandate, we want to support your call with some teachings to train you for this work that lies ahead of you. What we want to offer you today, has NEVER been made available to the public before, but has been solely reserved for students until this point.

For anyone who gives a donation (via www.gmrn.org), investing into other ministers just like yourself, from May 18 to May 22, we will be pulling out our big guns and investing some of our resources that we worked hard to put together - right back into you! For your love gift, you will receive 8 FREE MP4 messages!

Get your donation in, apostle, and let us come together and each lay the pattern that God has put on our hearts, so that this picture can come together and the church may stand in the splendour and glory of the Father!


You can make your investment here: www.gmrn.org/donate

With Love and Blessing,

Nathan and Chaifa Berry 
Servants and Apostles 
Global Ministry Resources


Called to Succeed - a Prophetic Word


Run the Race Right