What You Ought to Know About the Seer Prophet

Dear Prophet,

As a college athlete, being a prophet was hard! Now, I'll be honest with you ... I didn't know I was a prophet at the time. But the calling was on my life, and my very DNA beckoned me to serve God. It was 2015, and my prophetic ministry began to sprout.

I saw everything, and I couldn't turn it off! I wept when I saw someone who didn't feel valued in this world. I was angry when I saw lukewarm Christians lead prayer meetings. I was overjoyed to see someone desire a relationship with Jesus. I saw a portion of what God saw, yet, as much as I could see, my eyes kept me on the outside looking in.

I was undoubtedly the least favorite person on my college football team; 120 men all rejected me because I rejected them. My sight saw their flaws, and my immaturity caused me to judge them for it. I wanted the world to know Jesus, but I wasn't yet the vessel who could introduce them to Him.

Shortly after my football career ended, God led me to the Next Gen Prophets for prophetic training. My sight was transformed to see beyond the natural! Greater than just vision, I was given the heart of God and the wisdom to act.

I could see people's hearts, their wounds and their desire to connect with Jesus. I saw the warfare they faced, their gifts and callings, and more than anything, I could feel genuine love for them. Suddenly, my gift wasn't just about what I saw—it was about serving others to bring about true change.

I was no longer on the outside; I was in the middle of serving God's people. I joined the Next Gen Prophet team and started helping prophets just like you fit in where they belong. There is far more to being a seer prophet than you know!

I want you to check out a recent episode of Next Gen Prophets on Charisma Podcast Network that my apostles, Craig and Colette Toach, released, What Everyone Ought to Know About the Seer Prophet. They speak about how you are so much more than your ability to see. They show you how to fit into a team and unlock the hidden gifts you didn't know you had. Listen and be empowered to revolutionize how you do prophetic ministry.

Dalton Beckering is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. He is the dean of the AMI Prophetic School and is known for his wit and passion to equip the prophets of his generation. Dalton and his wife Rebekah serve together as a powerhouse couple in the work of the ministry.


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