Learn How to Utilize Wisdom to Accelerate Your Breakthrough!

If you want to see God's promises come to pass then track with me. Like many prophets, I thought that revelation was enough. If I saw a vision or got a prophetic word, it was a done deal. After disappointment and years of "waiting on God" I asked a different question.

"Lord what am I missing?"

It took me a while to click that the failure was not the Lord's, but my own! God answered,

"Colette, revelation is not enough. You need wisdom to bring the promise to pass."

Wait... WHAT?? Do you mean a stand-alone prophetic word was not going to revolutionize my life? (Who knew?!)

And so my wisdom-seeking process began. After some Holy Spirit boot camp, I learned that wisdom wasn’t playing hide and seek. In fact, wisdom was crying in the streets.

I also learned that wisdom was found "along the way." So yeah... crying out to God for answers in my prayer closet did not increase wisdom. I had to leave the closet and apply the revelation! There is a happy ending to this story. God gave me wisdom! He revealed strategies to me. He gave me a mind to study and teach. The work of my hands, coupled with revelation, produced results.

Craig and I took to the mic this week to reveal the path of wisdom to you! Here are some highlights. Apply them to your life today. Then, watch your “impossible” do a 180 turn toward success.

"I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths." - Proverbs 4:11

1. Come to Peace

Wisdom is found in PEACE! A frantic dash to immediate action does not invite wisdom to the table. Hours of dramatic spiritual warfare does’t make wisdom feel comfortable enough to speak. Rather, wisdom is seated with the Prince of Peace.

Quiet your mind, emotions, and will. Then, come to a firm halt in your seven-direction dash. Good. Now you are in a place to hear wisdom speak!

2. Plot Your Course.

Each step of wisdom follows the next. In other words, wisdom is obvious! It is not hidden from you. Look back on your path. What did God tell you to do last month? When you obeyed God, what worked?

Now ask yourself the tough question, "What didn't work?" Wisdom is shouting! Stop repeating all events in the "this did not work" section of your journey!

The next step of wisdom is obvious once you see the patterns. This leads me to the most important point of all:

3. Take the Next Step!

The next step of wisdom is obvious. Take it! Step out. Did you fail? Then good, you just gained another wisdom nugget. Tuck it away for tomorrow. When you are deliberate in the steps you take, revelation will meet you along the way.

The prophetic revelation that God has given you through the years will make sense. I want to leave you with this final challenge.

What Is Your ONE Step Of Wisdom Today?

You got the revelation. You hit your head enough times to know what doesn't work. You can see the patterns - its obvious what worked! So, what are you waiting for? Take just one step of wisdom today. Take just one step of wisdom tomorrow. The way will be made open ahead of you!

Join Craig and I in the studio for the full message and receive an impartation of wisdom! Just click the link below!

Colette Toach of Toach Ministries International is the author of forty books, including the widely popular I'm Not Crazy – I'm a Prophet. She works alongside her husband, Craig Toach, training their passionate Next Gen Prophet Team with divisions in South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico and the United States. To receive daily prophetic words from Apostle Colette Toach and the #NextGenProphets Team, visit prophetic-network.com.


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