Intercede for Events and Services Using This Formula for Powerful Results

Whether it's the weekly church service, a special meeting, or the Christmas/New Year’s event, one of the greatest honors any prophet can get is the request to cover a meeting in prayer. Knowing the leadership is placing their baby in your hands, is exciting and scary all at the same time.

Now, if you are like me, your mind races as to all you need to do to make sure you do your job correctly... that you forget to breathe and start with the basics. So, today I want to get your back and help you rock your prayer assignment.

Here are the steps I use to cover a service in prayer:

Step One: Know the Event!              

1. Get Focus:

Why are they having the event and what is their end goal? Before you start praying, take time to ask your leadership what they desire this event to accomplish. When they close the service, what are the fruits they would like to see in the people?

2. Know the Audience:

We all want to have the service filled. But, to have a successful event, the right people need to be in the seats to receive the message. Ask your leadership who their target audience is.

3. Know the Speakers:

Ask about the speaker and if they are new to you or the church, ask your leader about them or do a little homework to get to know them. Revelation will only get you so far. Finding out all you can and how you can best cover them, will make you more effective during your prayer times. 

4. Know the Concerns:

Ask your leadership if there are any concerns they have that they would like you to focus on. This doesn't mean you don’t get revelation, but you can attack real problems right away, bringing unity with the leadership. This will help you get more focused revelation as you pray.

Step Two: Prepare for the Service

1. Pray for the Audience:

As you come to prayer, focus on the right people who need to be in the service. Now, call them in! The more you do this, you will start to get revelation on what is preventing them from coming. Things like: old mindsets, family obligations, finances, or even health issues might come up.

2. Pray for the Event:

Once you know the leader's focus, you can start praying for the service. As you pray, you will start to pick up the spiritual needs of the event and the demonic attack coming against it.

3. Pray for the Speaker:

The speaker(s) has (have) a heavy burden on their shoulders to speak the word in season. They need all the help they can get to prepare themselves and the sermons. It is for you to remove all spiritual distractions so they can get the complete download from the Lord. You are their lifeline in the spirit.

Step Three: Service Day

1. Pray for Each Service

This is best done with a prayer team, but if you can't do that, try and go into the room just before the meeting and clear the room. I find this very important if you are using a venue that is not your usual place of gathering. Who knows what meetings were in the hall before and what spiritual contaminations were left behind! Your leaders are hiring it and so they have ownership for this time, which means you can dedicate the hall to the Lord and let Him have His way.

2. Speak Over the Chairs

The Lord knows the person who will sit in each seat. So, lay your hands on each seat and pray. As you pray, you will get revelation and then just release it. When that person sits down, the anointing will already be there and start to work. You are helping the speaker already.

3. Pray Throughout the Meeting

You have done an awesome job, but don’t trip at the finish line. Keep praying under your breath during the service. I find speaking in tongues very useful when doing this. You will again get revelation and sense what is going on in the spirit. So, pray against the enemy and his plans. Give the Holy Spirit all the license He needs to bless the people and the speaker.

Step Four: After the Service

1. Get a List of Attendees and Pray for Them

Depending on your relationship with the leadership, why not ask for a list of attendees? The basic idea would be to get a list of names, go over each one and pray for them. As you go down the list, with some names you will feel nothing, or you might feel like the Lord says, “It is finished!” With those, I speak a blessing over them and move on. But, there will be other names the Lord will give your revelation for. Take some time to pray for them. You will feel the release when you accomplish the victory for them.

2. Send a Prayer Report Summary of the Event

You should be reporting your prayer times to your leadership continually throughout the whole process. However, the final summary report of what you did is one your leadership will appreciate the most. Your report will show them areas they need to put more focus on and how effective they were in ministering to the attendees.

You are a prophet, you are a prayer warrior, and with these simple steps, you will rock your prayer covering for events.

Much love and blessing,

Craig Toach

Apostle Craig Toach is the co-leader of the #NextGenProphets team and of Toach Ministries International. His passion is to bring heaven to earth in prayer and decree! He is most known among those close to him as a father and friend and covets his role as a spiritual father too many in the body of Christ. He leads alongside his wife Apostle Colette Toach, making this power-duo a pillar of fire in the hands of the Father! Connect and collaborate with like-minded believers in the Community of Apostles and Prophets by signing up at


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