Why Your Story Matters

I used to think my life was unremarkable. 

I didn't see many noteworthy events worth sharing. So I decided to show people the "nice" version of my life. I hoped no one would see all the other stuff that was there.

I thought this would encourage and help people. I couldn't have been more wrong. Jesus' perspective about my life differed a lot from mine.

In Scripture, we see the good, bad, and ugly of each hero of faith. It's the struggle each person went through that made the victory more powerful. Your process is important because Jesus is a part of it.

There's a reason why the Lord has been nudging you to share your life story with others. There is tremendous power in sharing your process. 

Here are 3 reasons why your story matters.

1. All problems are the same. How you handled each challenge is unique to you and your grace.

“The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” - 1 Cor 10:13 NLT

Your struggles connect people to you.

It's not about what challenges you faced. It's about your responses to those challenges that were important. Jesus used every decision you made, good and bad, to shape you into the person He needed for your mandate.

Your story validates the process others are going through to overcome.

2. Your vulnerability opens the door for people to connect with Jesus.

The prostitute probably felt broken and exposed when she wept and anointed Jesus' feet with perfume in front of everyone.

But Jesus honored her for her courage. Don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Being real about what you go through invites others to do the same.

Let people encounter Jesus through the unlovely parts of your story.

3. When Jesus is in your story, every part of it will bless His people.

You may have made a lot of bad choices in the past. But they don't define you.

Jesus sees the treasure He's put inside of you. Your circumstances can change. Nothing will change how He sees you or thinks of you.

He shines through your darkest moments so you can light the way for others.

These last two weeks, the NextGen Prophets Podcast has featured testimonies from the NextGen team. Listen and hear our stories. Life wasn't easy for any of us.

We didn't always make the right decisions. But you'll see Jesus right there with us every step of the way. Just like He's there with you.

If you haven't already, go and listen to the NextGen Prophets testimony time podcasts. It kicks off with episode 304. Principal Michael Velthuysen shares how he broke free from generational curses. 

Come get to know the team a little better in these podcasts and realize that we all have an important story to tell. Then come back here and share in the comments. Whose testimony time podcast did you connect with the most and why? 

Allow Jesus to bless and bring hope to His people through your process. We want to know your story :)

P.S. Are you all caught up with the team testimony time podcasts? It starts with 304 and the current one is with Apostle Chaifa Berry: An Orphan in Search for Belonging Led Her to Confront the Orphan Spirit that Kept Her Bound - Testimony Time With Chaifa Berry (Ep. 309) 

Listen to them all so you can be ready for the next round of podcasts that will come out this week! Oh, and don't forget to have tissues handy when you listen :)

Let me know which one of the testimony podcasts and what part you connected with the most, okay? I can't wait to hear what you thought!

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the founder of The Gathering Place for Prophets, South Africa. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.

Anne Chen

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the founder of The Gathering Place for Prophets, South Africa. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.


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