You Are The Captain Of Your Call

The call to a fivefold office is not for the faint of heart. To qualify, you go through a transformation very few will ever know or understand. This process can get very lonely.

In a desire to be normal, you might seek to share your process with anyone who will listen. This is a recipe for rejection if done wrong.

Today I want to help you, know when is the right time, and how to sidestep the heartache:

Step 1: Guard Your Process –

"Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life."  - Proverbs 4:23

The first part of your transformation is the chrysalis phase.

Whatever is standing in the way, will be called to death and displaced. This step is a private process to receive from the Lord, face to face. Do not let your needs or desires cloud your judgment.

You cannot risk the contamination, stay the course.

Step 2: Share with a Select Few –

"Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors, there is safety." - Proverbs 11:14

The scripture talks of counselors, not common men off the street.

Find others with the same fivefold grace and in the same process as you. They will understand and can help you.

If you are looking for such a place. I would like to suggest our Community of Apostles and Prophets at

Step 3: Ponder in your heart -

I am reminded of Mary concerning Jesus…
"But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." - Luke 2:19

People have a lot of advice to give, but not all of it’s for you!

Seek the Lord, then talk to your trainer, or mentor for confirmation. Who better to decipher the torrent of information besetting you! They will help you see the wood for the trees.

For the rest, put it aside and leave it to Lord to recall or not.

Your Call to Make

William Ernest Henley in his poem Invictus wrote, “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”

When it comes to your calling… Never forget, you are the captain! Your fate is in your own hands. The Lord will help you every step of the way. All you need to do is ask. 

But at the end of the day. You need to make the choices on this journey. The Lord gave you a free will for a reason! Your success is in your hands. No one can tell you what to do. That is why each step above is crucial to your complete metamorphosis.

Follow these steps and you never face disappointment again.

Apostle Craig Toach is the co-leader of the #NextGenProphets team and of Toach Ministries International. His passion is to bring heaven to earth in prayer and decree! He is most known among those close to him as a father and friend and covets his role as a spiritual father to many in the body of Christ. He leads alongside his wife, Apostle Colette Toach, making this power duo a pillar of fire in the hands of the Father! Receive daily prophetic words from Apostle Craig Toach and the #NextGenProphets Team.

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Craig Toach

This is Craig….. He is my dad. :)


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