The Power of Authority

In the United States of America, a citizen has the authority to perform a citizen's arrest. This doesn't mean they're now law enforcement officers, but they have enough authority to maintain the law.

As Christians, we have God-given authority. However, when it comes to healing, finances, or deliverance, not all Christians have the same results! Just like in the USA, depending on your authority, will determine what you're capable of.

So where do you stand today in your spiritual authority? Are you a citizen, law enforcement officer, or judge?

Today, I want to help you identify your authority, and where to use it.

Authority is Delegated

"And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen." - Matthew 28:18

As the highest authority, God delegated His authority to Jesus. As our head, Jesus delegates authority to us.

Identify your place of authority to see results! Authority is always recognized, even animals recognize and submit to authority. Remember, you'll fail if you compete in a realm that's not yours, or you don't have authority in.

Rather stand under your higher authority, and lead from a position of security.

An Appointment is the Beginning

Authority - a person with a high degree of knowledge or skill in your particular field. (Roget's Dictionary)

When the Lord calls you to a position of authority, it comes with a learning curve.

It starts with a call to death to your abilities. To walk in His authority, you need to learn from the master’s hand. Each time you succeed, your authority will increase, and you will see dramatic results.

Where do you have authority? Focus on it and grow in your authority with Jesus.

Don’t Stagnate, Progress

Authority is progressive.

Constant growth keeps you excited and at the top of your field. As you grow, it causes a void that gives others a goal to fill. Constant improvement means better results.

Where can you improve yourself, and those around you?


"I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me." - John 5:30

Standing under authority is a sure-fire way to be successful. Your leader has paved the way for you. All you need to do is follow their requirements. As a team leader, this brings peace of mind, because you know you can lead effectively within your authority. You also have a support system that goes both ways.

Remember, you're not alone. You have those above you and those below you. Together they make up a master plan, designed by your Father in Heaven. Stand in your authority and fulfill the calling on your life.

Apostolic Decree

The Lord created this world for you. It's there not only to keep you alive but to minister to you too. Have you ever listened long enough to the waves crashing, or the rushing in a river? The peace that comes over you is so deep.

Today, the Lord calls you away from all the distractions that mask themselves as relaxation. They're only imitations and don’t do anything for you.

This week, take time to rest outside of your usual chill-out activities. Find some new ones that include your spouse and family members. Who knows, you might find what you've been looking for!

Family News

"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

I'm so proud of my son, Michael, as he officially joins our ministry. He joins our GMR division, to learn the ropes, and contribute as a budding graphics designer, and film editor. I love the fresh perspective he brings to the table as a Next NextGen!

Already, he's planning his own website and podcast channel called NextGen Kids Tribe (name subject to change). Colette and I might have had a little influence in these departments. I wish I had started my ministry at his age. Imagine how much more I would have accomplished for the Lord by now!

Guys, ministry is so easy when you allow it to flourish naturally. Colette and I always included our children in our ministry from a young age. I see my married daughters, with their children. The passion for Jesus and ministry is already developing in the next generation.

You too can have the same, with a little help from Jesus!

Till next week, have a blessed week!

Apostle Craig Toach is the co-leader of the #NextGenProphets team and of Toach Ministries International. His passion is to bring heaven to earth in prayer and decree! He is most known among those close to him as a father and friend and covets his role as a spiritual father to many in the body of Christ. He leads alongside his wife, Apostle Colette Toach, making this power duo a pillar of fire in the hands of the Father! Receive daily prophetic words from Apostle Craig Toach and the #NextGenProphets Team.

Craig Toach

This is Craig….. He is my dad. :)


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