Answering The Question Of Why Am I Here?

Why am I here?

I used to think I was a mistake.

I was a product of a one-night stand. I never knew my father. My mother left my grandmother to raise me. For years I yearned for the love I saw my siblings get from their father.

I had questions about my existence.

I couldn't see the reason why I was born. For years I wandered around with a deep longing. My story was like a puzzle, and I needed help finding the right pieces. I struggled to find my place.

With longing and questions in my heart, So began my search for identity.

Scripture tells us we are fearfully and wonderfully made—a product of God in the womb. We have a future and hope. I found my worth in Christ's love. Here are three reasons you are here.

1. God meticulously chose your DNA.

God chose you.

Like a sculpture, God formed you with his hands. He carefully molded every inch of your being for His purpose. He chose the very DNA you needed to make you unique.

You are His design.

2. God created you in love.

It doesn't matter the circumstances surrounding your conception; God handpicked you.

God chose that perfect moment to slip you into humanity. He knitted every fiber of your being with love. He placed a part of Himself in you.

You are priceless.

3. You are Unique by God's standard.

By whose standard do we measure ourselves?

It is God who defines your identity. Your circumstances don't have the right to dictate your value. The person hidden under the rubble of fear and rejection is a treasure-filled earthen vessel.

You are beautiful.

Your heart's longing to know your purpose has plagued your mind for years. Your search has led you to dark alleys. Take courage. You aren't a mistake.

God defines your value.

Dalton didn't know he was unique. He struggled with self-confidence for years. He is a twin, and no one bothered to know his name. He felt unseen. Listen to his testimony about finding self-worth and becoming a mighty prophet. You are in God's plan and purpose.

Jodia Mattison is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is a graduate of the Prophetic School and works as a co-pastor in the Fivefold Ministry Campus. Jodia has a heart to pastor the prophets. She uses her prophetic anointing to do so! 

Jodia Mattison

Jodia Mattison is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is a graduate of the Prophetic School and works as a co-pastor in the Fivefold Ministry Campus. Jodia has a heart to pastor the prophets. She uses her prophetic anointing to do so! 


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