God Said Yes But The Devil Stole Your Promise
We all pray for our families, responsibilities, and dreams. For us prophets, it is our food. But what happens when we pray hard in the spirit, knowing that Jesus gave us His blessing, and nothing comes to pass? Who is to blame?
We are always at war and the enemy knows the power of a healthy prayer life. He is already defeated and can’t stop your call. But He can delay the promises God has given you. He is a thief in search of what is rightfully yours.
The reason he is able to steal from you isn’t because you lack authority, it’s because he knows the prayer process.
The Prayer Process
Just as there is a process of getting your prayers to heaven there is a process of getting them down to earth.
Revelation 8:3-5
“Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.”
Prophet, you know the throne room of God! You have spent so much time there that there is seat with your name on it. But did you know your part to play in working with angels and the Lord? Do you know how get God’s yes from heaven down to earth? Simple daily acts of spiritual warfare and decree can ensure that your promises from God come to pass.
Your Last Step In Prayer
Everyone knows you start a prayer with “Dear Lord” but how do you end a prayer? It ends with warfare. You fight for what you know God has given you. For example, you may have prayed for your child to be protected from the enemy. God says “I will protect them” but then every attack you can think of starts coming at them. That’s the moment where you say “devil, I bind you in Jesus name! My father told me, my child is protected and you can not have them. Every one of your works be removed in Jesus name. Where you have been cursing them, I speak the blessing of the Lord. I don’t care where you have been given license, I speak the blood of Jesus over their life. I stand on the promise of God. Now move!”
Now that’s how a prayer warrior does it! After of few these encounters with the enemy, he will know his place and you will know yours.
Learn the Power Persistent Prayer
In Persistent Prayer - Angels and Demons at Work, Apostle Colette Toach’s book, you discover how prayer works from beginning to end. You learn the power of making a connection with the Lord. You see how the father receives your prayers and cover them with fire and power before sending them back to you. This book stirs up your prophetic anointing! If you are called to pray the will of God into people’s lives… this is your book! You have never known success in prayer at this level.
I encourage you to buy this book that is an investment into your prophetic call. To learn more about the topics covered in the book. click the photo below.