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Our Ministry Pillars

My Prophetic Tribe

The prophetic training pillar of our ministry. Tribe is responsible for raising prophetic champions of repute and character.

5-Fold Ministry Campus

Campus focuses on fivefold ministry training at every level of experience. They promote study, training, collaboration, and community.

Colette Toach Book Store

The bookstore sells all of Colette Toach’s books with discounts of up to 40% off. They offer bulk sale options for group studies.

Spiritual Parenting




Team Building




Spiritual Parenting . Mentorship . Team Building . Culture .

We help leaders around the world to find their place, create effective teams, upgrade their platforms, and revolutionize their ministry.

Our Latest Event

God wants every area of your life to be healthy. That's why we're gathering together to release pray for your healing breakthrough. I want you to show up fully aware of which area needs the greatest touch from God. When you attend, that's what we're going to pray into 

Sign up by becoming a student of one of our schools:

Free Prophetic School:
Prophetic Tribe:
Fivefold Ministry Campus:

Free Prophetic Training

God told me to give away the 2-year curriculum i've been using to train prophets since 1999. So I'm revealing all of these teachings to absolutely anyone who wants to mature in their prophetic call.

Free Prophetic School

Apostolic Coaching

Apostolic Internship

Every week I release an apostolic teaching answering the most frequently asked question by apostles in their process. I cover team building, character shaping, common challenges and more! It’s all on YouTube for free.


Let's make something clear, I WILL make you an author in 2024. Thousands will read your book and you’ll have a sustaining source of income after you publish. I'm going to help you pull off one of the most successful projects in your life. Just follow exactly what I say and you’ll be a self-publishing phenomenon

Author Apprenticeship