A Spiritually Fitter You, For '22

Let's Get You Prepped for the New Year!

The number one New Years' resolution is without a doubt... WEIGHTLOSS!

We spend so much time envisioning the slimmer "us" for the new year without a thought to doing some spiritual dieting! Do you realize how much weight you carry in the Spirit? Craig and I just left the podcasting studio. We were helping the prophets to "shed their spiritual weight" before the new year strikes.

Did you know that one of the greatest weights we carry around is unforgiveness? The nastiness of offense, hurt, and frustration are rocks in a backpack we have no place carrying. So let me help you out today!

Let's get you spiritually ready for the next leg of the race.

Hebrews 12: 1
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us

1. Think back on 2021 and make a list of everyone that upset and hurt you. If you cannot think about that person without feeling a negative wave hit you, chances are, you have unforgiveness in your heart.

2. Now pray out loud and bring each person to the Lord. See yourself handing them to Jesus. At the same time pray, "I forgive you mom. I forgive you husband. I forgive you pastor."

3. Once you have prayed forgiveness, praise! Do you realize how much you grew this year? Had it not been for these challenges, you would never be where you are now. So rejoice! Do not give the enemy privilege of thinking he got the upper hand! No way!

We are going to turn these things around and thank Jesus for them! We are going to thank Him for every knockdown and discouragement because, in these moments, we learned to stand.

Begin 2022 with a clear vision! Craig and I have partnered with Dr. Steve Greene to help you throw off your weights and multiply your business and ministry for '22.

The three of us are combining our apostolic graces to help you shed that spiritual weight and multiply your business and ministry for 2022. We prayed, collaborated then created a seminar earmarked for your business and ministry success.

So mark the date! On the 11th and 12th of December, we will be hosting the Supernatural You for 2022 Seminar!

This is my first announcement to our personal list and we are already down 40 seats, so please do reserve quickly. So many missed out on the last event we hosted and I don't want that to happen to you, ok?

If you have already registered, get moving on the project and get yourself spiritually fit! Come to the seminar with your weights laid down. Then... let's get you positioned for the New Year!

Colette Toach of Toach Ministries International is the author of forty books, including the widely popular I'm Not Crazy – I'm a Prophet. She works alongside her husband, Craig Toach, training their passionate Next Gen Prophet Team with divisions in South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico and the United States. To receive daily prophetic words from Apostle Colette Toach and the #NextGenProphets Team, visit prophetic-network.com.


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