Publish Your Prophetic Word in Writing

Since 2020 I’ve seen a lot more ministry done online. Looking at everyone following Craig and me, it made me realize that we can help you publish prophetic words online! Today, I want to help you get your message out there in a way that others can read, share, and apply to their lives.

This is something we have learned through the years. I mean, our first prophetic school began in 1999 and it took a lot of bumps and bruises before we got this right! (This is the part of the article where I smile sheepishly at some of our faithfuls who received my half-interpreted prophetic words at the beginning. I am so honored that you stuck around to continue this journey with us!) So, let’s get on to the good stuff!

How to Publish Your Prophetic Word in Writing

"Thus speaks the LORD God of Israel, saying: 'Write in a book for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you.” - Jeremiah 30:2

“For behold, the days are coming,' says the LORD, 'that I will bring back from captivity My people Israel and Judah,' says the LORD. And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.'" - Jeremiah 30:3

1. Let It Flow

A mistake so many make is getting writers block… before they even get the first word out. Take it easy! You are not on a podium in front of thousands. It’s just you, Jesus, and an empty page. So, get writing.

Write everything that comes up in your spirit. Share the visions you see. Keep prophesying to that page until the anointing lifts.

It’s very important that you do not stop to edit the word while you are writing it on the page. I always have to put the editor in me on the cross when I prophesy in writing because my analytical brain wants to micromanage me every step of the way. Don’t let it happen to you!

2. Back Up and Revise

Then, put the word away and go take a walk. Drink a coffee. Go hug your spouse. Let the word sit for a little bit and then come back.

When you come back take time to rearrange the word. Remember, you just expressed everything that you felt in your spirit. So, the word is likely all over the place as you tried to interpret what you were seeing and feeling. Use the power of copy and paste to rearrange the word so that it flows nicely from one point to the next.

Do not fear the delete button! You are not committing a cardinal sin if you delete something from the word that you feel was just from your head. I promise, God is well able to bring back to you anything He missed out, in the next word you write!

3. Craft

Now you have permission to edit your grammar. I am always shocked at how often this vital step is missed. #HonestMoment I often lose out on the message of a prophetic word I am reading if it is loaded with grammar mistakes. The author in me just wants to fix it!

Not everyone knows that when you share a word that it will come from your spirit through your mind. The knowledge in your mind will express that word. So yes, if grammar is not a developed skill in you, the word will come out with typos. Easy fix: Go back and edit!

If your word is long, do your reader a favor and add some headings and subheadings before hitting send. This helps the skimmer in the crowd who will let their eyes catch only the interesting bits. Hopefully those headings are so anointed that they cannot help themselves but read the powerful prophetic word you just put on the page.

We are all responsible to build the Kingdom. Craig and I look forward to helping you more to do just that. We want to accelerate your process and get you to the point where you are multiplying in your ministry!

Colette Toach Apostle and Spiritual Mother Toach Ministries International


Calling Out the Marketplace Prophets and Apostles


A Spiritually Fitter You, For '22