Calling Out the Marketplace Prophets and Apostles

As God continues to impress on Craig and I the importance of activating the prophets into their mandates, He has begun to send us a very special breed of prophets. Prophets called to operate within the marketplace.

It feels to me as if I am surrounded by them. It should not be a surprise though because around 4 years ago, the Lord had begun speaking to me personally about operating more in the marketplace, to which I responded, “I bind this voice of the devil!”

It took the Lord a while to get through to me and truly convince me that this was a legit mandate. “How else, my child” He went on to explain to me, “will you ever reach everyone I need you to reach, if you stay in the confines of your secure wilderness?”

And so He began shaking me out of my rut. Probably like He has been trying to do with you. Step by step He began connecting me with other marketplace apostles and prophets. Then on 1st January 2021, Craig and I launched our Next Gen Prophets podcast and the doors opened in every direction.

What Does it Mean to have a Marketplace Mandate?

Not only were the marketplace prophets and apostles drawn to us, but He also saw that my training and growth would continue in the form of a coach!

Dr. Steve Greene, the CEO of Charisma Podcasting Network took me under his wing and began imparting the anointing to me.

I learned that being a marketplace apostle is a mandate and not a career choice. (Daniel sure got that memo)

I learned to take the systems of the world and put Jesus at the helm of them! (Just like Esther and Mordecai did!)

I discovered success when I operated in the entrepreneurial anointing God wanted to give me. (Hello Solomon!)

In short, I embraced my call to the marketplace and with my newfound tools, began to flourish. In less than a year, Craig and I have had over 113,000 downloads to our podcasting channel. Our mailing list grew over 4,000 subscribers and we have had the honor of training 40% more, mighty warriors, this year than we did the last!

Finding that perfect unity between being “in the world, but not of it" has been a HUGE CHALLENGE for this apostle. You can be sure that not everyone loves what I have been learning and sometimes it is challenging to get the rebuffs and negative rebukes from some who just don’t get what this call means.

I had to climb some huge mountains to just accept this aspect of my call. So I know very well that as I speak to all the marketplace prophets and apostles out there, that it has not been easy for you. You have struggled with doubts and fears. You feel sometimes that you are even pushing against your own convictions.

God pointed me to the example of Lydia in the New Testament. The seller of purple. More than operating in the marketplace, she became the source for an underground movement!

"So they went out of the prison and entered the house of Lydia; and when they had seen the brethren, they encouraged them and departed." - Acts 16:40

A Special Place for Marketplace Apostles and Prophets

There is not a whole lot out there for marketplace apostles and prophets which is why we invited Dr. Greene to share with you guys some of the principles that have propelled us exponentially this year.

I want you to experience the breakthroughs we have. I want you to become confident in your call! Above all, I want to take away from you the doubts, shame, fear and struggle of the call by saying: YOU ARE NORMAL! Normal for a marketplace prophet anyway :)

I hope that you will join us for our Supernatural You for 2022 Event. If you missed out on this opportunity, then I do hope you will stick around for a bit longer. In the year ahead I hope to teach more on the subject and become a safe place for you to express your mandate.

So once again we break new ground together and I cannot wait for the adventure to begin!


Publish Your Prophetic Word in Writing


Publish Your Prophetic Word in Writing