From Slums to Influencer: The Testimony of a Next Gen Prophet


I spent a good portion of my childhood playing on the cold wooden floors of a drug rehabilitation center. My parents were both recovering drug addicts and by the age of four, I knew what it was like to sleep underneath an abandoned building and walk on hot asphalt with nothing to protect my naked feet because I couldn’t afford shoes.


My mother gave her life to the Lord and the Holy Spirit helped her to break free of the addiction. I, myself, gave my life to the Lord at 5 years old and instantly had a relationship with Him that follow me everywhere I went. We were finally able to get our own home and live a normal life... if your normal is never going outside because your mother is afraid you will make the same mistakes she made. With no friends, no access to tv, no pets, and no instruments, my twin brother and I resorted to intensive exercise to forget about how bored we were!

In time, I was introduced to American football and it turns out that all those workouts paid off! After a few years of playing the game, I was offered a full-ride scholarship to play college football at a division one university. I was finally able to leave home and discover who I was in the big wide world. Turns out I wasn’t as well put together as I thought! I struggled with my studies, I treated my teammates like I was better than them, and I all but denied the relationship I had with Jesus despite everyone coming to me to learn more about Him.

After three years I was finished! I didn’t see the point of what I was doing. I knew my life was separated unto the Lord and if I didn’t serve Him then I would just be wasting my time. I didn’t want to pursue useless things anymore, I wanted to serve the Lord and I wanted to do it as best as I possibly could.

That same week, I gave up my scholarship returned to my home town and by the will of God, I met Apostles Craig and Colette and the team at my mother's graduation from the prophetic school.

You know where I am today... I’m a prophet in office, I am married to my beautiful wife Rebekah, I am a part of the most amazing team of next-generation leaders, and Jesus is still very much my best friend. My credentials are not found in my title or my accomplishments... they are found in the shaping that the Lord took me through as I made my way in this life.

So my question to you is this... if you took away your titles and accomplishments and just focused on what God did in your life what would your credentials be? For me... I am the boy who came from the deepest darkest background yet God has called me to shine for Him. I am the one who was separated and alone but Jesus calls me to build a relationship with you. I am the one whose path was shaped by my Father in heaven and my credentials are that He is in control.

I love you guys! Be sure to write to Rebekah and I. Share your story with us. We all come from somewhere, let’s see where the Lord is taking us together.

Dalton Beckering
Next Gen Prophet and Trainer

The Next Gen Leadership Team

Overnight, the Lord opened a door for Apostles Craig and Colette Toach to be on a platform to reach tens of thousands and potentially millions of next gen prophets around the world. They partnered with Charisma Podcast Network whose website traffic exceeds well over 25 million views every year and created the Next Gen Prophets podcast.

This vision is global, it is a reality, and it is an investment! Apostles Craig, Colette, and their team will continue to invest their lives into this work as you invest into them. Become a sponsor of Next Gen Prophets and watch as the miracles start to happen.


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