Why Worship Is the Love Language of Jesus

I gave my life to Jesus at a young age, but it was not until I picked up a set of drumsticks that my life with Jesus really began.

I snuck to my father's drum kit while he was away at work and started tinkering around. Before long, I discovered something more important than drumming. I experienced the lover of my soul. As I worshipped, playing on those drums for hours, caught up in the spirit, my songs changed, and I began to hear the Lord singing to me.

The deeper I pressed in, the more I discovered that worship is the love language of Jesus. Child of God, every single one of us craves love. Yet, I tell you that you will never experience this kind of love outside of Jesus.

Worship Is an Invitation, Not a Right

When the Word instructs us to worship, it is not presenting a set of rules. Rather, Scripture is presenting us with an invitation. Worship is an invitation to enter the secret place to experience the most powerful love you will ever encounter.

It is a love that heals. It is a love that reaches to the core of who you are and never stops short at the walls you hide behind.

Many misunderstand the purpose of worship. Most see the benefits of allowing our praise to reach the heavens, as incense to the Lord. What few experience is what happens when that worship comes right back down.

When you worship, you trigger the heart of Jesus toward you.

Jesus does not call on you to worship just because He loves to hear your song. Rather, in that moment, you invite Him to shower you with affection.

When I read this Scripture for the first time, it touched my broken heart and flooded it with compassion.

Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God in your midst,

The Mighty One, will save;

He will rejoice over you with gladness,

He will quiet you with His love,

He will rejoice over you with singing.”

I saw the Lord Jesus standing in front of me with His arms wide open. He invited me to dance with Him, and as we danced, He quieted my hurt and frustration. And then He began singing over me. All I saw in that moment was His face.

His hand is extended to you in the same way today. In this episode of Next Gen Prophets on the Charisma Podcast Network, Worship–The Love Language of Jesus, I lead you by the hand with three simple steps to experiencing Jesus in a way you never have before. You have nothing to lose and the whole world to gain.

Originally from South Africa, and with ministry divisions in South Africa, Mexico, Switzerland and California, Apostle Colette Toach is foremost a wife and spiritual mother. She is a renowned leader amongst the prophets and so established a prophetic training school that has been in place since 1999. Apostle Colette and her husband, Apostle Craig Toach, work tirelessly with their fivefold ministry team to raise up leaders across the globe.

Worship - The Love Language of Jesus

My friend, I couldn’t tell you something more true. Jesus is waiting to connect with you again, and He has never been more ready to receive you than now. Feel His tangible anointing once more in this episode with Apostle Colette Toach.
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