How To Hear God's Wisdom Through Others

I love baked goods, but I don't bake well. 

Who knew that using melted butter instead of creamed butter made a huge difference? Pretty much everyone in my spiritual family! Any one of them could have saved me from my baking disaster had I picked up my phone to ask through a quick text message.

I thought I knew what I was doing but I didn't know what I didn't know. That was the exact moment I needed some help. My baking flop taught me an important lesson. 

But how often do we do the same thing in so many other areas of life? God wants to help us in everything we do. We need His wisdom, but don't take the time to ask.

Proverbs 1 says that Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. God's not hiding Wisdom from you. We just miss her when we're too busy trying to get the job done. 

Today I want to help you connect with your tribe and never miss what Wisdom wants to say to you again.

Here are 3 ways to help you hear God's wisdom through others, and especially your tribe!

1. Be open-minded. 

When you think there's only one way to do things, you'll only see problems.

Come out of your box to think out of the box. Let go of your opinions. Considering others higher than you clears the way for you to receive.

Humble yourself. The Holy Spirit will start giving you direction to get you the help you need.

2. Ask for help. 

When you don't ask, you don't receive.

God's wisdom most often comes through the people He places around you. Sometimes your solution comes from hearing a different perspective. Your tribe is an enormous resource.

Asking for help allows others to be a part of your problem and your solution.

3. Make an effort to collaborate.

“Without counsel, plans go awry, But in the multitude of counselors they are established.” - Prov 15:22

Collaboration creates an environment for Wisdom to flourish. Everyone comes to the table with something to contribute. The Holy Spirit paints a complete picture through everyone's piece.

Wisdom has a voice through everyone you collaborate with.

The Lord handpicked every single person in this tribe. Your process created your unique perspective. Every voice here matters.

Do you have a problem that needs a solution? Lean on this community. Ask for help. We're here for you!

See someone in need? Offer help. Let Wisdom have a voice through you.

Let's see mountains move as we go through and build this Kingdom together!

P.S. If you have been praying for healing, your tribe and your surroundings are much more important than you think! God has been setting up your circumstances to heal you. Check out Apostle Colette's teaching: Recognize How God Set You For Circumstantial Healing

Listen and get the healing God's setting you up to receive!

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International’s South African Division. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.

Anne Chen

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the founder of The Gathering Place for Prophets, South Africa. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.


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