3 Reasons Why You Feel Like You Need To Do MORE For God

The Reason You Don't Feel Content

It's the end of the year and yet again we look back and say "I feel like I could have done more".

We think 

  • I could have prayed more

  • I could have invested in my relationships more 

  • I could have been more obedient to God 

But even if we did these things, we would still wonder if it was enough. So, how do we get rid of this feeling and obtain the peace that passes understanding? What can we do to feel good about the year we had? 

Here are 3 reasons why you feel like you need to do more and what you can do to feel like you've done enough.

Before we begin, I encourage you to Join the Fivefold Ministry Campus. It's an online school where you can feel safe to discover and walk out your call amongst peers. We accept students year-round.

Check it out: https://www.ami-campus.com/bundles/PropheticScholar

1. You haven't walked through the doors God opened

At a couple of points this year, you felt truly convicted. Your heart was open to receive, you were ready to learn, and you needed ministry. But you didn't take that last step to align yourself with the group/ ministry the Lord set you up with. 

You've got to walk through that door! Hurry and see if you still can. The moment you obey God your spirit will stop nagging you and you will see clearly what God wants you to do next.

Get training to go higher in your call. If that's your open door join the Fivefold Ministry Campus

2. You need help

You've done as much as you can for yourself but now you need help from others. God won't give you the answers, He won't give the healing all by yourself. The answers and healing you need are going to come from a community. 

Realize you have fear or pride blocking you from asking for help. Repent of your fear and pride and reach out for assistance. People aren't going to manipulate or abuse you. They're going to tell you what you need to hear from the Lord. You will be surprised at how loving they are. 

We're on live chat ready to help you. Contact us here! (Click the chat box in the bottom right corner)

3. Slow down and listen 

We work hard for our Heavenly Father. But sometimes our hard work turns into striving. We pray and do so much that we forget to listen. His words calm us and remind us of what is most important. You're missing valuable information because you're not sitting long enough to listen. 

Take 30 minutes today to hear God's voice. Don't pray, don't multitask, just sit and listen. Let all the cares and worries fall away and put your eyes on God. Soon you'll hear Him and the things worried about will melt under His wisdom. 

You're closer to peace than you realize. You just need help to move forward. We got your back! The Fivefold Ministry Campus is a thriving community of fivefold ministers who are happy to lend a hand. 

Get all the help you need today https://www.ami-campus.com/pages/home

Dalton Beckering is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. He is the ambassador of culture and is known for his wit and passion to equip the prophets of his generation with TREAT culture. Dalton and his wife, Rebekah, serve together as a powerhouse couple in the work of the ministry.


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