3 Ways To Navigate Family Drama During The Holidays

You love your family, but you don't love the drama that often comes from getting together with your family!

We understand.

It's easy to fall back into old habits when you step into a hotbed of templates and triggers. Remember, you don't have to face the holidays by yourself. You have the Prince of Peace at your side and your tribe at your back.

You're not the same person you were before. You're walking in as His mighty NextGen warrior. You've got an arsenal of tools to bring to the table.

You got this! You don’t need to just navigate family drama. Here are 3 tips to ROCK this Christmas season no matter the circumstances.

1. Get direction from the Lord about the part He wants you to play.

You're not just visiting family because it's Christmas. God has a plan for you.

Does your family need joy? Is there something God wants you to pray through for them? How does He want to love your family through you? Seek God for His wisdom.

God is bringing Jesus to them through you over the holidays.

2. Prepare the ground with spiritual warfare. 

God equipped you with an arsenal of spiritual weapons to use.

Get your warrior on and use your authority to give Jesus license over the gathering. Bind the work of the enemy and slam any open doors shut. Speak His peace over the event.

Prepare the ground for Jesus to be the most important guest at your get-togethers.

3. TREAT everyone.

Build relationships and favor by bringing NextGen culture to your family!

When you're Timely in your communication, show Respect to everyone around you, make a deliberate effort to Esteem others, show Appreciation and speak with good Tone, people around you will feel loved and cared for.

People's hearts will open. Jesus will have a chance to speak through you.

Family is a beautiful gift that God has given to us. That's the reason why we celebrate you. Try using these 3 tips this week, and see what God does! Let us know what happened because we always want to hear the story!

Also, as your family and tribe, we don't want you to walk through any difficult situation alone. If you need support, we're here. Grab us on chat or write us here and let your tribe be a part of your Christmas season!

P.S. Want to take a step closer to us as a family? Become a sponsor. We’re holding an exciting sponsor-only event: God’s word for 2023. You don’t want to miss this! Find out all the benefits of stepping into a special circle of people that support Apostles Craig and Colette and all that they do. Click here: link to get all the info and sign up. You can also catch us on live chat as well. Ask for Rebekah Beckering and tell her I sent you 🙂

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International’s South African Division. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.

Anne Chen

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the founder of The Gathering Place for Prophets, South Africa. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.


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