Navigate the Darkness With Visions and Never Feel Directionless Again

You only appreciate the privilege of electricity when San Diego Gas and Electric flips a switch and turns off the neighborhood. After a couple of close calls with a seasonal California fire, a new policy was put into place. When the winds get too strong, they turn off the power to avoid electrical fires.

So you could go from jiving in the kitchen to your favorite Toby Mac album to shattering darkness. With one flip of a switch, dinner is postponed and candles light your way to the bathroom. In moments of such crisis, I'm grateful for Craig who, in true Scout form, is always prepared. He carries a leatherman, pocket knife and... a powerbeam flashlight on his belt at all times. 

He knows what to do when such an emergency calls on him. He finds his wife and navigates me to the generator. In no time at all, our backup generator is humming, lights are on and the internet is connected. (Essentials)

The worst experience for a prophet is to be struck by such darkness. It's crushing to be called on and not receive a prophetic word. For someone to call on you for prayer and you come up with nothing. Do you realize that the Holy Spirit stands by with a trusty flashlight?

No matter how dark it feels in the Spirit, you can navigate to a solution today. All you need is one revelation. You don't need the full picture. You just need enough to navigate to the power source. This is what visions do for us.

Visions are a flash of light in the dark, directed by the Holy Spirit. I want you to receive the impartation through this message today. You are crying out to God for the full picture, but He is leading you there. He is talking to you in a still small voice. One of the ways you can hear that voice is through pictures in your mind.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path.” - Psalms 119:105

Stop waiting for the big picture. Instead of fighting the darkness, look for the one picture God gives you. Allow Him to navigate you to the power source. So how? How do you take the next step? How do you see visions? It's so simple! I'll show you. I go into detail in The Way of Dreams and Visions book but as promised, I want to give you the impartation now!

“Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” - John 5:19

Guess what? The Father resides within you child of God! He doesn't need to shout. He is sending you messages all the time through pictures. You just don't recognize it. If you still your spirit and close your eyes, pictures will roll.

Some of these pictures are just your mind throwing out junk. Some of them are messages from the Lord. I want you to focus on the ones from God. Apply this practice and get ready for your path to get lit!


    - Pray out loud and bring the Lord a specific request

    - Now be silent before him. Close your eyes and let the pictures roll

    - Is there a picture that keeps coming back no matter how much you try to shove it aside?

You just had a vision! It's so simple that everyone misses it! Stop waiting for fireworks and look out for that flashlight. The Holy Spirit is with you in the darkness so you never need to feel alone again. Now take His hand and allow Him to lead you.

This is a beautiful journey. Don't rush it. Craig and I are along the way with you. We pressed into the subject of visions in our podcast. Go listen. Become equipped.

Colette Toach of Toach Ministries International is the author of forty books, including the widely popular I'm Not Crazy – I'm a Prophet. She works alongside her husband, Craig Toach, training their passionate Next Gen Prophet Team with divisions in South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico and the United States. To receive daily prophetic words from Apostle Colette Toach and the #NextGenProphets Team, visit


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