Why Speaking in Tongues Holds the Secret to the Best Week Ever!

It took me forever to speak in tongues. I lived in a Pentecostal home where abrupt bursts of #InsertSpiritualLangueHere could interrupt any conversation. So “forever” meant being older than the age of 5.

Everyone had it, so I needed to have it. I begged God for it and one day… it finally arrived. Sitting on the edge of my pre-teen bed, I had a one on one with Jesus. “Ok Jesus, when is it going to happen for me?” I heard His still small voice, “Open your mouth in faith.” So I did. I opened my mouth and out came a string of words I could not make up. 

I couldn’t turn off the tap! As the words gushed from my insides, I found a new respect for this gift. It wasn’t something “I should have” or was “required to have.” It was just what the Word said it was. It was a gift. The kind you get on Christmas, painted to perfection with that “new gift” smell.

Fast forward a couple of heartbreaks, a high school diploma, and a wedding day.

I had big dreams. I wanted to serve Jesus in the work of the ministry, alongside my husband. By then, as with all gifts, this one became commonplace. The new smell had faded and the paint was chipped around the edges. I forgot the moment I unwrapped it for the first time. I wanted more from God now. Something shinier. I had my wishlist. Prophecy, visions, dream interpretation and prophetic anointing.

When you first receive the gift of tongues, it makes your heart skip a beat. You feel butterflies in your tummy. What if I told you that you could go back to that moment? In fact, not only does Jesus want to renew that experience for you, but He wants to give you a life-changing moment. One that is grander than your spiritual wishlist.

So you can expect that by the end of this blog if you apply the prophetic practice, then you will experience a life-changing moment.

Here is the Secret

Tongues isn’t a gift you unwrap just once. It is much like a Russian doll that’s stacked with treasure upon treasure. So if you thought the beginning was epic, you have yet to experience what the Holy Spirit is going to do next! If I stuck to my wishlist, I would’ve missed it. I learned, as you will, that speaking in tongues is the gift that increases the capacity of the others.

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands." - 2 Timothy 1:6

I like Timothy. I always imagine that he could be labeled as “a nice guy". From what I read in this passage, he wound up in the same routine as I did. The gifts became common place. He never lost the gift. He didn’t get bored. He just stopped at the “stir it up” part. So what can you do today, to stir up your gift?

How to Stir up the Gift

There are a host of practices that I could share with you. The practice in this blog will take you right back to Christmas Day. The day you first received the gift of tongues. I want you to go back in time. Cling to the goosebumps you felt in the moment. Focus on that as you proceed to the practice.

If you struggle at all, or you aren’t spirit-filled, then I invite you to give us a call. Allow us to set you on your God-designed path. (Click the Contact button at the top of the page)

Prophetic Practice: Stir up The Gift

  1. Set one hour aside. Enter your prayer closet with a timer on hand.

  2. Set the timer for an hour and have it count down.

  3. Now, speak in tongues for an hour.

This practice is a challenge if you haven’t dusted off your gift for a while. Ask any of our students who are required to practice this every day for a week! So if you find it impossible to pray for the hour, break it up into 20 minute segments.

Keep praying until you feel a breakthrough!

Depending on how long this gift remained dormant, will depend on how long you experience your spiritual breakthrough. Make speaking in tongues a daily practice!

As you experience your breakthrough, you will learn what Craig and I did. When our feet touched Mexican soil, we uncovered another treasure. Speaking tongues was a broadsword for spiritual warfare!

The more we unwrapped it, the more treasures it revealed. Before long, we launched our prophetic school and prophets were armed for their spiritual battlefield. You can be armed too! Begin with this simple practice and then when you are ready for it, reach out to us to go deeper.


• Speaking in tongues is a spiritual gift
• You need to stir up the gift to uncover its hidden treasures
• Praying in your spiritual language increases your capacity for the other gifts of the Spirit
• Praying in tongues for an hour will bring about a spiritual breakthrough


How Craig Got Healed From Dyslexia by Worshipping in Tongues


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