What Would Happen if You Perfected the Art of Listening in the Spirit?

A neighbor invited Craig and I to a dinner in his home. The food was fantastic and the view spectacular, but the conversation was a challenge. It wasn’t because he was an unbeliever. Craig and I can get on with pretty much anyone. It was obvious from the beginning that this person was not trained in the art of conversation.

He would ask a question and before you got done asking, he was off on a story journey throughout his life. He was easily sparked off by any thought or contribution to the conversation. As I listened and pondered the situation I thought to myself how often we treat God like this when we talk to him.

We invite Him to the table and He accepts. Then as the conversation gets started, we hardly wait for Jesus to get done talking before we assume the rest of what He wants to say. We take the first revelation and build a doctrine out of it. We feel the first small impression in the spirit and jump to conclusions.

I think we aren’t great dinner party hosts for Jesus. As the night wore on I had to smile. We left knowing so much about our neighbor. Where he grew up. What he studied at school. His interests and political views. Unfortunately, he learned very little about us.

Let’s not be that kind of neighbor to Jesus. Before we jabber away with our requests and desires, how about we perfect the art of listening? Let us leave the table having heard more than we spoke. This week during your devotional times, how about you put aside your agendas? Pack your prayer list away and come with just one request, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.”

Colette Toach of Toach Ministries International is the author of forty books, including the widely popular I'm Not Crazy – I'm a Prophet. She works alongside her husband, Craig Toach, training their passionate Next Gen Prophet Team with divisions in South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico and the United States. To receive daily prophetic words from Apostle Colette Toach and the #NextGenProphets Team, visit prophetic-network.com.

Save the Date!

When Craig spoke to me about the leading of the Lord to host a men’s event, I knew God was speaking! He feels the call to help men recognize their true masculine identity through a relationship with the Father. This led to a conversation on my identity as a woman as well. When you blend ministry, marriage, family, and your social life, you are always under pressure! How do you find balance? Well that is what Craig and I hope to do! I will be hosting the ladies on 25th March and Craig will be hosting the men on 26th March. Click the links for further information and registration!

For Men: https://global-ministry-resources.networkforgood.com/events/40962-your-identity-in-the-father

For Women: https://global-ministry-resources.networkforgood.com/events/41149-you-identity-as-a-kingdom-women


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