3 Signs to Identify and Overcome Prophetic Deception

When the enemy gets one over on you through deception/misinterpretation or even an outright stronghold of fear, doubt, or unbelief, you have 2 choices in how you respond.

  1. You can get mad at yourself or even at God for allowing you to be so easily manipulated. I mean surely the Lord could have manifested the gift of discerning of spirits and given you a clue here, right?

  2. You can press in and learn the tactics the enemy is using against you.

See, the enemy is not a creator. He’s an imitator. So he can only use what’s already been revealed or discovered against you. So instead of wallowing or getting down on yourself and beating yourself up for missing it, see where he keeps tripping you up. The Lord will always use this to build you and teach you IF you let Him.

So, look at the last time the enemy tricked you. For me, often he will wait outside of some of the most amazing moments in the secret place or even the throne room. I’m so relaxed and charged up that my defenses are down and there he comes with a little seed to plant in my very fertile and receptive soil. It might be just a few words to lead me toward his ear so he can really get his hooks in.

For others, it might be in times of conflict and he plants old thoughts and ideas that you have long dealt with. For some, it might be when journaling and trying to focus in on the still small voice, but there always seems to be your own thoughts mixed in, no matter how closely you are listening.

Whatever tricks he is using, wherever you are frustrated because he just keeps getting over on you, step back. Look at these 3 things.

  1. What fruit was he trying to get me to produce with this deception? Fear, doubt, self-promotion, or even just self-focus when He asked you to be focused on others.

  2. Where/when did he choose to attack you? Were you still and quiet and he came as an imitation of the still small voice? Were you in a storm and it was so loud you couldn’t think straight and he came as false security? Were you in a heated discussion or debate with your spouse or friend and he sent thoughts that would paint you as a victim?

  3. What did he use to lure you into his trap? Was it false peace, false security, false identity, false acceptance, or recognition? Look at the need he was meeting by tempting you and take that need straight back to the Lord. Recognize here that these needs never go away and that’s why they continually come up as targets for the enemy.

I want to challenge you here to really look because this is how we move from defensive warfare to offensive warfare. Now you’re drawing battle lines and saying, “I see you. And I see where you keep getting in. And not only do I see it, but I’m making adjustments to my wall, and I’m telling all my battle buddies how to make the adjustments as well.”

This is one powerful way we fortify the walls of our city and take the land as Joshua’s.

Bethany Sealy is a powerful member of Toach Ministries International. She’s a graduate and valedictorian of Prophetic School. Don’t be fooled by her sweet nature. She is a devil-chasing prophet who’s not afraid to wield her sword. 

Bethany Sealy

Prophet Bethany Sealy is a graduate of the TMI Prophetic School, class of 2022. She was at the top of her class and the valedictorian. She is an active minister of inner healing, intercession, and a teacher of the prophetic process.


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