3 Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late To Pursue Your Call!

I was that kid.

You know, the one where parents say, "She was just here a second ago..."

I probably caused my parents to have a few heart attacks growing up. But I loved to explore whenever my family was out and about.

I never worried about getting lost. I knew my parents would call for me. No matter how far I wandered or how loud the people around me got, my ear could always pick out my parents' voices despite the noise.

It's the same with your heavenly Father.

Distractions or detours may have come into your life. You might feel like you're stuck on a plateau. But it's never too late to get back on track with your call and move forward. You're wired to recognize God's voice.

Calling means that you shift from where you are, into the Lord’s presence. To answer the call is to begin a walk towards the Throne Room.- Apostle Colette Toach, Called. Commissioned. Mandated.

Today, God is calling you to His Throne Room. Don't delay. His church needs you.

Step into your call today. Here are 3 reasons why:

1. Your journey empowers others.

“Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” - 2 Cor 12:10

Your process created the grace His people need.

God used both your failures and successes to shape you. Shake off the shame. Your perception of your journey determines how effective you can be to God's people.

His people will overcome because you did.

2. No risk, No reward.

“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” - Matthew 11:12

You're a conqueror because you've conquered something.

Perseverance through tough times clarified your focus. Failure is a powerful teacher. You gained God's wisdom every time you had to get back up.

Your journey creates a way for others to follow.

3. Your call is essential to His Kingdom.

When one piece of a puzzle is missing, the picture is incomplete.

You have a perspective and grace that others don't. Your call impacts others. Together, we reach further and build faster.

Unity in spirit and purpose will always defeat the enemy.

You’re not alone in your process. You have an entire tribe of warriors at your back. You’re not too late!

Take a step toward the mandate God's given you. 

Apostle Colette wrote Called. Commissioned. Mandated to help you identify where you are in your process, and move forward in your call. Getting back on track is an excellent first step. Now get ready to run the race the Lord has called you to!

Get the ebook here: http://www.fivefold-training.com

Get it in paperback here: https://www.amazon.com/Called-Commissioned-Mandated-Colette-Toach

Get the book the join the free Called. Commissioned. Mandated course here: http://fivefold-training.com. Download a special worksheet to customize the book to your journey.

P.S. Want some help with your next step? Connect with our NextGen Prophets Team through live chat. Go to www.fivefold-training.com and click on the chat box. We want to help you with your process!

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International’s South African Division. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.

Anne Chen

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the founder of The Gathering Place for Prophets, South Africa. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.


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