3 Signs You're Called To Full-Time Ministry

I grew up in a Hmong culture of tribe, chiefs, and clan leaders. 

Except, I was born into the wrong tribe.

At tribe gatherings, I stood a head taller than everybody else. Amongst the clan, I was the weird cousin at the family reunion. In my home, I was the only girl among my brothers.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5 

To be called is to be separated. You cannot fit into the status quo when you’re called to change it. When you get that, you begin to embrace the reality of your call.

Here Are 3 Signs You’ve Been Called to the Work of the Ministry: 

#1 You Felt Separated From the Flock

You tried to fit in but instead lived in the second circle of every group. 

God kept you from fitting in for one purpose: to draw you to Himself. Moses was separated from his people, and in the desert is where he met God. So too, will you meet God. 

Separation ignites a hunger for Jesus and calls you into His presence. 

#2 You Had an Encounter With The Lord

“There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a blazing fire from the middle of a bush. Moses stared in amazement. Though the bush was engulfed in flames, it didn’t burn up. “This is amazing,” Moses said to himself. “Why isn’t that bush burning up? I must go see it.” - Exodus 3: 2,3

God revealed Himself to you in a moment you didn’t expect. From that day, you knew you were marked to do His will. You may have tried to run from the call, but God always brought you back into His presence. 

When the call gets tough, your burning bush experience is proof that your call is real. 

#3 You Accepted Your Call, And All Hell Broke Loose

“Send me, Lord. Use me, I will go!” 

If you prayed that prayer, God brought you to a place of choosing His will over yours. You embraced the reality of your call.

But that doesn’t mean life got easier. Rather, conflict and chaos erupted. People were added and removed from your life. Circumstances took a dramatic turn. You’ve entered into the training phase of your call. Here is where God qualifies you for your mandate.

You’re not crazy! At the end of your training, you’ll receive a reward. When Jesus came out of the desert, He came out with power and authority to complete His call. 

So, too, will you come out empowered. 

If you can tick off the signs of the called stage, you’re on your way to the next stage in your progression - commissioned. Take the direct route to your destination when you get Apostle Colette’s new book, Called. Commissioned. Mandated.

Get the road map and pass through the commissioned stage, fast. Move on to specialize in your unique call: https://amzn.to/3KvbLfC 

Once you’ve received answers, why not blaze a trail and leave a book review, for those after you!

Chaifa Berry is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the co-pastor of the Fivefold Ministry Campus and the right hand to Apostles Craig and Colette Toach. She is often found in her prayer closet breaking ground and tearing down every work of the enemy! She serves alongside her husband Nathan, building the Kingdom all over the world.

Chaifa Berry

Chaifa Berry is a Next Gen Prophet who serves under Apostle Craig & Colette Toach. Her focus is to heal, equip and train the next generation of prophets from their trauma. You’ll walk away set free and ready to overcome your past.


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