Signs you have a stronghold of guilt

Released September 11th, 2024
Toach Ministries International

Live in Peace After This

Guilt is the devil's voice speaking louder to you than Jesus.

It's a consumer of wisdom, joy, peace, and love. Many of us live with this liar in our life unaware of it's thieving presence. I want you to know the signs of this stronghold so you can break free.

What are the signs?

1. Always feeling like you failed 
- Even when you tried your best to serve the Lord you still feel like it wasn't enough. You look at your failures instead of your victories.
2. Blame shifting 
- It's really hard for you to hear that you made a mistake. You find yourself blowing up emotionally, looking where others got it wrong.
3. Find it hard to come to God after a mistake
- It's difficult for you to pray, worship, or read the word when you fall. You want to feel God but you think He's too angry with you.
4. You’ve learned coping mechanisms to control your emotions 
- Food, entertainment, addiction, or any form of distraction helps you ignore the pain of guilt.
5. You never feel good enough in your relationships 
- It's hard for you to believe people love you and you find your expectations aren't met. You don't want to be like this but can't stop yourself.
6. You feel unqualified in ministry
- Weather you're praying or preaching you feel unworthy. You beg God to anoint you because inside you feel like a fraud.
7. Trouble sleeping, your mind is always replaying your mistakes
- At night you're overwhelmed with thoughts of the things you have to do but don't think you can. You focus on where you're flawed.
8. You can never relax even when it’s ok to 
- You can't escape the feeling of "I'm doing something wrong". On vacation, at the store, it doesn't matter. That's how you feel.

Do This To Break The Stronghold of Guilt

Put everything that makes you feel guilty down on a piece of paper. Then I want you to picture Jesus holding that pen in your hand, and crossing out that failure. Next to that failure put “not guilty.” Because that’s how the blood of Jesus works. 

If you have this stronghold in your life, chances are you have more! But don't worry, you're not trapped like this forever. In Apostle Colette's book, Strategies of War, she teaches you how to dismantle every stronghold of the enemy.

This book is going to help you reconstruct your thought patterns to agree with God's promises for your life.

Check it out:

As one who lived with guilt for many years, I understand your pain. If you need some help, I will be glad to council you and offer prayer Give me a call at 760 466 7257

Written by Prophet Dalton Beckering

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