Why You Keep Dreaming of Being in a Bedroom

The Message God is Trying to Get Across to You.

A bedroom means something different to each person. For most, it speaks of a place of intimacy and privacy. For others, it means to entertain sin through temptation.

Whatever room you're dreaming about, you'll find out its interpretation here.

The Marriage Bed

This is a sign of vulnerability.

lying in bed with your spouse is a sign that Jesus is calling you into a place of deeper intimacy. If you're in a room from your past that makes you uncomfortable, God's telling you there's something from that era that's blocking your intimacy.

It's going to take vulnerability and dependency on the Lord to move forward in the next season.

Old Bedrooms: A Source of Hurt

An era of pain that God wants to heal.

If God keeps taking you back to a room that brought you tremendous trauma, He's letting you know He's about to heal you. But He wants you to have the courage to look at that hurt. He will arrange the circumstances but it's up to you to let Him do His work.

Share these dreams with a trusted pastor or minister, they will know how to pray you through.

Past Bedrooms: A Place of Security

God will take you to a room that makes you feel safe to remind you He is in control.

Although circumstances arise that make you feel emotional, out of control, and weary, God wants you to rest in Him. Lay aside your cares and remember the security you had in that bedroom.

The same God who encountered you then is alive and well in your life today.


A place of cleansing.

If you dream of cleaning the toilet or somehow getting rid of waste and the dream is positive, then this is an indication that you have dealt with impurities in your life that had the potential to cause you harm.

Dreaming of this indicates good spiritual health!

Attend The Dream Interpretation Event

On February 9th, I'm going to show you how to interpret any symbol, in any dream, at any point in your life, using the word of God. Because a single dream can transform your life and send you on a trajectory for massive breakthroughs. MyPropheticMentor.com

Watch This Video On
The Meaning of Bedrooms In Your Dream

Dream interpretation is a skill essential for every believer. Interpret your dreams with confidence. You'll receive His direction and hear God’s voice in your dreams.

Written by Dalton Beckering

Additional Resources:


Signs you have a stronghold of guilt


The Reason Why People You Know May Appear in Your Dreams