The Reason Why People You Know May Appear in Your Dreams

Identify how God speaks to you about your current situation through your dreams.

If you're prophetic, you know this scenario well. 

You had a dream about your Auntie Lulu. She's the person who introduced you to Jesus. When you think of her, you see a pillar of faith that stands strong through many storms.

In your dream, she walked through a dangerous part of town at night with only a flashlight, but she wasn't afraid. She was focused on where she was going.

So, did you run over to Auntie Lulu’s to tell her all about your dream? If you got a blank stare with a polite, "Thank you, dear," that's because that dream wasn't for your Auntie.

That dream was a message from God to you through an internal dream.

What Is an Internal Dream?

Everyone dreams, but only believers can receive dreams from the Lord. 

In an internal dream the Lord speaks to you about your current spiritual condition. The dream is all about you! The people, objects, and circumstances are symbols that relate to you. 

Apostle Colette Toach gives insight into this dream type in her book, The Way of Dreams and Visions:

"An internal dream is for you, and all the symbols that are related in the internal dream pertain to you and you alone. Every character in your dream represents a part of yourself; a part of your emotions, a part of your mind, a part of your will, a part of your spirit, or a part of your flesh."

This kind of dream is often God's response to your prayers about what you're going through.

How Do You Know Your Dream Is Internal?

The biggest giveaway is that you are the "star" or, the main character, in the dream. You're the one who interacts with the people and circumstances. You see everything in the dream from your perspective. 

You’ll encounter people, situations, and objects familiar to you. You'll also remember this dream when you wake. This dream can draw you to seek the Lord more for answers.

Why Are Internal Dreams Important?

Internal dreams are a way God speaks to you about where you are in ministry and in your relationship with Him. This type of dream functions like a word of knowledge related to current and past events in your life.

If you’ve been seeking the Lord, He can encourage you through this type of dream. Pay attention to your relationship with the people and symbols that come up in the dream.

With the example of the Auntie Lulu dream, she may represent your faith in God. If you’ve been contending for a breakthrough, this internal dream would be a beautiful message for you to walk boldly in faith to overcome.

Internal dreams are God's personal messages to you. So, if you dream about your Auntie Lulu, don't tell her all about your dream. Your Auntie Lulu represents an aspect of you. Let the Lord speak to you through your internal dream! 

Your relationship with the Lord will grow exponentially when you identify how many of your dreams have been internal.

To learn more about your dreams, join us for a Dream Workshop on June 9, 2023. Apostle Colette Toach teaches dream interpretation by the Spirit. By the end of this workshop, you'll know what God says to you in every dream He gives you. 

This workshop is for Tribe only, so there's never been a better time to join! Click here to become Tribe and register:

Dream interpretation is a skill essential for every believer. Interpret your dreams with confidence. You'll receive His direction and hear His voice in your dreams.

Written by Next Gen Prophet Anne Chen

Additional Resources:

Anne Chen

Anne Chen is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the founder of The Gathering Place for Prophets, South Africa. As a prophetic pastor, she is loved by her students and congregation alike for her anointing to heal the broken-hearted.


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