How Do You Know if You are Called to be a Prophet?

When my prophetic heart began to beat, I had no clue what was wrong with me. Craig and I were attending a small local church that held meetings in a school hall. We came to know the pastors very well, so when I started experiencing some strange things, I reached out to the pastor's wife.

Looking back now, I realize she was in the same boat as me. As I nervously shared everything that was happening to me, she smiled, put her hand on my shoulder and said, "That sounds prophetic to me."

Her simple statement lifted a load from my shoulders. It was as if a spotlight was turned on, and I could see. And so, my journey of self-discovery began. My journey had me asking questions and wrestling with inner conflicts. I struggled with God as Jacob did, asking, "Why don't I ever fit in, Jesus?"

"Why do You show me everything that is wrong with the church but then never let me do anything about it?"

Along with, "What is wrong with me? Am I crazy?"

And so, my story depicts how every prophet's journey begins. Over 20 years later, I get to be the one to put my hand on your shoulder to say, "It's okay! You're not crazy; you're just a prophet."

Why “Prophetic” Is Not the Same as Being a Prophet

Before we go on, let me say that being prophetic is not the same as being called to be a prophet. Here is that dividing line for you:

The prophet's heart is not defined by their ability to prophesy but by their relationship with Jesus and passion to heal the brokenhearted.

When I realized I was called to be a prophet, it was not because I could prophesy. I had been doing that since the age of 4! No, when the Lord Jesus revealed my purpose, He did so by pointing to my heart. My pastor telling me that I was prophetic started me on a journey. It was when Jesus pointed out the spiritual DNA He had been forging in me from my mother's womb that I knew without a doubt that I was called to be a prophet.

When one of our listeners asked Craig and me to share about how we received our calling, once again we proved how opposites attract! I was always a bit envious that Craig's call came to him on the day he was saved! I, on the other hand, had to go on a journey to receive mine.

In fact, did you know that how you receive the call gives you keen insight into your mandate as a prophet?

If you are ready to move past the hint of being prophetic and on to embracing the prophetic call on your life, then let me say, "He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil. 1:6b, MEV).

From one prophet to another, step up! There is an open door in front of you, and the Lord is waiting for you to step through. We look forward to touching base in our podcast episode How to Know If You Are Called to Be a Prophet on the Next Gen Prophets with Apostles Craig and Colette Toach on Charisma Podcast Network.

Colette Toach, of Toach Ministries International, is the author of 40 books, including the widely popular I'm Not Crazy—I'm a Prophet. She works alongside her husband, Craig Toach, training their passionate Next Gen Prophet Team with divisions in South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico and the United States.


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