How to Identify and Deal With Deception
Prophetic deception is a nasty little bee.
Its sting is both painful and annoying. It causes the site to become inflamed, infected, and tender to the touch. However, some choose to cling to pain rather than simply remove the stinger.
Today, we'll go through ways to recognize the bee and avoid getting stung. But because getting stung at least once is inevitable, I'll also show you how to treat it and get rid of the stinger.
Sting me once, shame on you. Sting me twice, it doesn't hurt as bad
I've been stung by this bee many many times. I noticed that the more times I get stung, the less it hurts. It's easier to remove the stinger. I can throw some ice on it and keep moving. I don’t have to lie in bed feeling sorry for myself that I got stung. ( I was more dramatic at first sting.)
I also see now where the bee likes to hide... waiting for its next victim. I found the hive and have learned to recognize the sound of buzzing. I avoid the areas they like to gather in.
So, where do bees gather? Anywhere pride lives.
The source of deception
Pride is a sweet aroma for deceptive bees. It's like sweet nectar. They're always looking for more to take back to their hive and make poisoned, bitter, honey. The more pride they find, the greater they can produce poison, honey. Others will feed on it, unaware.
Pride often shares its scent with self-promotion and vain glory. It has a similar scent to strife and rebellion. Rebellion has a heavy scent that attracts all types of bees and insects. It smells so sweet until you taste the bitter honey it produces.
One taste is enough to make you sick.
Effects of deception
This symbolism might seem odd, but consider how we eat the fruit of our words. If our words are poisoned and others eat our fruit, how much will they suffer? They don't realize what they're eating.
Deception is very much like the bee sting and honey. We are stung by our pride and self-importance. It produces rotten fruit of fear, guilt, shame, condemnation, strife, and more pride.
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. They are the fruits produced from the truth and abiding in the vine.
John 15:5
“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
2 ways to identify deception
The first way to identify deception in your life is to look at the fruit your words produce. Compare this fruit, to the fruit of the spirit.
Another way to identify deception is by judging it according to the word of God.
Does it bear witness with the word? Does it confirm or cut against it? The Lord does not contradict Himself. He is not a man that He should lie. In fact, He confirms His word with signs and wonders.
Mark 16:20
And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs.
If there is confusion and it doesn’t confirm, discard it.
The gift of Urim and Thumim
Every believer has the incredible gift of Urim and Thumim. If we tap in and ask the Lord, we can sense whether the word is contaminated or not.
There are a few key points that indicate you are being pushed past what the Lord intends for the word.
1: You feel pushed to deliver it right now.
The word can be good and biblical but you have overwhelming emotions to act immediately. There are obtrusive thoughts and you can't shake what you feel or think.
Jesus is a gentleman who woos and gently nudges you to move. He is not forceful or arrogant. He will not impose Himself on you. He will simply ask or nudge you in the right direction. If you wait, He is gracious to give you another opportunity.
2: Grand Revelations
If you receive a revelation that is so “grand” that you must share it, beware.
The Lord shares His secrets. But He won’t ask you to broadcast it as the great and wonderful prophet who received an amazing revelation.
Get outside confirmation if you get revelation that leads you out of order. Be cautious if you feel you need to leave a ministry or mentorship relationship for no other reason than "The Lord said to".
Remember, the Lord always confirms His word. I also fell for this.
Let God Finish His Work in You
When the Lord begins a work, He intends to see it completed.
Why would He position you to start and take you halfway just to make you quit before you reach office? Why the travail and the death? Why the shaping if you are no closer to office than when you started?
He won't contradict Himself? He is not a man (or woman) who is constantly changing His mind and word. He is patient to see you through. He is not boxed into our timelines. He is long-suffering.
Moses took 40 years. God can wait you out. He is more than willing to take you around the mountain as many times as you are willing to go.
So, what have we learned?
The enemy is not just a roaring lion. He's also an angel of light disguised as truth.
He has the appearance of righteousness but brings confusion and strife. Partnering with him leads to destruction, theft, and all works of the flesh. He feeds on pride. He is loud and pushy. He confuses and questions God’s word. He produces fear, guilt, and condemnation. He justifies himself.
The cure
If you find yourself entangled with this devil, getting his stinger out is a cinch.
Here are the steps.
Step 1: Identify the entry point (false word, teaching, or even an impartation)
Step 2: Repent
Step 3: Remove
Close the door. Kick the devil out. Sit yourself nice and snug up on the cross and allow the Lord to come down instead. Humble yourself and take the lowest seat. The Lord will show you how to seal up that crack for good.
You’ll have your own can of bee and hornet spray that can spray a mile away!
In His Love,
Bethany Sealy
Prophet Bethany Sealy is a graduate of the TMI Prophetic School, class of 2022. She was at the top of her class and the valedictorian. She is an active minister of inner healing, intercession, and a teacher of the prophetic process.