Why God Hasn't Healed You

"For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ." - 2 Corinthians 1:5

"I'm a Christian, I'm entitled to my healing." This doctrine was what I held onto every time I got sick.

So when I became skin and bone because I couldn't keep any food in my body, I became angry. Why wouldn't God heal me? I had prayed, fasted, and done spiritual warfare, what was I missing? Turns out, I needed Jesus to heal me, not my Christianity.

Before my healing could come, I needed to bathe in the river Jordan seven times to get three gifts of the spirit.

1. Praise: Remove Satan's Power in your Life

Praise God for your sickness, because only He can take your life.

When Job lost all that He loved. He praised God for the gifts He gave him, and Job continued to find ways to give God honor. His praise removed satan's power over his life and gave God the final say.

Praise puts you under cover of your Heavenly Father and gives Him license in your life.

2. Authority: Command Over All Creation

Take authority, and call your body in line with the will of God.

You have the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead within you. When you stand in your inheritance as a blood-bought child of God nothing is impossible. Use this time to practice your authority.

Call your body, the enemy, and angels in line with God's plan.

3. Faith: The Ability to Move Mountains

God will not let you face a trial you cannot overcome.

God has spent your entire life preparing you for the trial you face. Your sickness is a ploy of the enemy designed to distract you from the prophetic call on your life.

You were born to move mountains. Don't let the enemy tell you any different.

God desires to take sickness away from you, and your healing is at hand. Listen to the podcast Why Won’t God Heal Me? Her Journey Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death - Testimony Time With Deborah-Anne Velthuysen (Ep. 308) to find out how.

Deborah-Anne Velthuysen is a Next Gen Prophet with a message for her generation. Continuing the legacy of her parents, Apostles Craig and Colette Toach, she stands in the blessing of being a fourth-generation minister. She and her husband, Michael, are principals of the AMI Prophetic School. Their mandate is to raise the next generation of prophets to be team builders, warriors, and ambassadors of Jesus Christ


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