The Most Controversial Apostolic Type - The Market Place Apostle

The world calls them “stage heels.”

7-inch stilettos and a 3-inch platform. Shiny. Black. Patent. It takes strong ankles to walk in these babies. Yet, the woman in front of me floated in them.

She emptied her grocery items onto the register.

“$201.51 is your total, ma’am.”

I tried not to stare, but my eyes stayed fixed on her. Her trench coat wrapped around her bare legs and stopped at her knees. She was a spectacle with her bright make-up and hair the size of Texas.

She reached into her pockets and began her count.

202 ones. Some crinkled. Some damp. Some folded into paper airplanes. Some wet. Some covered in… grease.

The cashier tried to hide the stink on her face. What she would do for a pair of latex gloves. I was next in line and after I paid, I heard,

“Ma’am, your change is $57.48.”

Then began the count. 57 ones. Some wet. Some crinkled. Some damp. Some covered in grease.

They were the most beautiful ones that had passed through my hands.

They’d feed my family for one more night. When you live in a Ministry Center and need to feed 10 full-time ministers - and their families - you lose all sense of religious superiority. You touch the unclean thing because know that when it passes through your hands, it becomes clean.

The marketplace apostle touches the unclean thing, so that the Kingdom of God may prosper.

This is the Joseph apostolic type. He’s the new kid in school that’s shrouded in a cloud of mystery. Who is he? Why doesn’t he sit with the Israelites? Where did he come from? And why does he stay in Egypt?

Here are 5 Myths And 5 Truths about the Joseph Apostle:

Myth #1 - A Market Place Apostle is a Rich Businessman That Gives To a Ministry

Truth: “If you’re the only one rich, you’re not a Marketplace Apostle.” - Apostle Colette Toach, Marketplace Apostle

Joseph didn’t become rich, the entire nation of Israel did. If you’re the only one blessed, you’re not a Joseph. A Joseph goes into a system to change it. He creates new ones to accommodate God’s people. He creates a safe place for everyone to grow.

A Joseph Apostle raises the water level. Everyone across the board, gains from it.

“But their descendants, the Israelites, had many children and grandchildren. In fact, they multiplied so greatly that they became extremely powerful and filled the land.” - Exodus 1:7

Myth #2 - You Have to Have A Lot of Money to Be a Joseph Apostle

“Then Joseph’s master took him and put him into the prison, a place where the king’s prisoners were confined. And he was there in the prison.” - Genesis 39:20

Truth: God shapes every apostle for their mandate. If you’re a Joseph, you'll fight for every penny you have. You won’t find a check in the mail. You won't get an offering. You get to work hard and make plans.

Joseph organized and prospered the prison block, and so too, will you train in secret. You organize the cell blocks day in and day out. You prosper another man’s house. You don't get to be rich, others become rich around you.

It may seem like the training will never end, but in prison is where you become you. Don’t rush your process.

Myth #3 - A Market Place Apostle is Not in Ministry.

“If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” - James 2: 15-17

Truth: Ministry happens when there’s a need, and it's met. A sick body needs prayer. A tormented soul needs deliverance. And a dying business… needs healing.

Financial healing is real. The Church needs it. And the world needs systems with Christ at the center of it. The Kingdom of God extends beyond the walls of the Church.

A Joseph ministers in the Marketplace. This is where he finds the sick.

Myth #4 - The Joseph Apostle's claim to fame is favor. God just places him in the right place at the right time.

Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.” - Mark 6:3

Truth: A Joseph Apostle walks in the spirit of excellence. He's a master in his craft. He receives favor from God but earns it from man.

Keep in mind that the world first knew Jesus as the carpenter. Jesus was in the marketplace before He was manifested to Israel. He worked without sin.

Can you imagine Jesus ever asking to leave work early?

In the same spirit, a Joseph Apostle works hard, is efficient, and is excellent. Not only is he exemplary, but he also cultivates an excellent work culture wherever he goes.

He brings Jesus to the workplace. This is what opens doors for him.

Myth #5 - A Marketplace Apostle’s Passion is to Produce Business Strategies and a Multiplication of Finances.

Truth: The pattern that a Joseph Apostle brings to the Marketplace is not in his business strategies. It’s in his heart.

“The marketplace changes people, more than people change the marketplace… there must be a difference between us and the leadership in the world." - Dr. Steve Greene, Marketplace Apostle

A Joseph Apostle’s passion is to bring Kingdom into the Marketplace, so that God’s people may prosper. It's to see the Kingdom of God established on earth.

"If I got Jesus with me in the board meeting, then I trust that He can affect my business. The reason you don’t is because you don’t trust and believe.” - Dr. Steve Greene

A Joseph Apostle creates systems in the world, with Jesus on the throne of it. The pattern for the marketplace is in his heart, not his strategies.

Are you a Joseph Apostle? Do you recognize the signs? You're not alone. Perhaps you’d rather be behind the pulpit than stuck in the boardroom, yet there you are. God has positioned you there because the Church needs you to finish your process. She needs financial healing.

For more on the Joseph Mandate, claim your seat for the Apostolic Mentorship Program. Join Apostles Craig and Colette Toach for two months of mentorship. Get your impartation here.

Chaifa Berry is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the co-pastor of the Fivefold Ministry Campus and the right hand to Apostles Craig and Colette Toach. She is often found in her prayer closet breaking ground and tearing down every work of the enemy! She serves alongside her husband Nathan, building the Kingdom all over the world.

Chaifa Berry

Chaifa Berry is a Next Gen Prophet who serves under Apostle Craig & Colette Toach. Her focus is to heal, equip and train the next generation of prophets from their trauma. You’ll walk away set free and ready to overcome your past.


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