4 Mindsets of a Successful Woman Leader

Girls are four times more likely to experience physical and sexual abuse.

My brother - a big, burley man - once said to me, “I don’t know if I could ever have a daughter. I'd never sleep. She would need protection all the time.”

I can imagine that for a man of such great physical strength, there isn’t anything more vulnerable than the inability to protect himself. I looked at him with the same hope of trying to explain the color “blue” to a blind man, “You have no idea how resilient women are.”

I know what it’s like to be overpowered. But, I discovered that what a woman lacks in physical strength, she makes up for in soul and spirit.

We aren’t disadvantaged. We just have different challenges.

If you see yourself as a victim and disadvantaged, others will treat you that way. You would’ve lost the race of leadership before it began.

You’re a gladiator woman. You’re strong, called, and capable. Capable of what? Anything… and everything.

Here are 4 mindsets of a successful woman leader:

#1 You Use Your Voice

“And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him. - Genesis 2:18

Eve was given to Adam as a solution to his problem. You need to see yourself the same way.

It’s not enough to earn your seat at the leadership table, you must lend your voice to shape the world around you. Have something to say, and say it boldly, even in the face of opposition.

You’re a solution-bringer. Your voice collaborates towards solutions.

#2 You See Yourself as Equal to Men, Not Their Subordinates

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” - Galatians 3:28

I was raised in a patriarchal culture where women served men, hand and feet. I was bred a second-class citizen, with second-class rights. To make a man feel like one, I was taught to hold back my strength.

Then I met my husband, a NextGen prophet, and I worked with real Kingdom men. The truth is that a real man isn’t intimidated by your strength - he respects it. Until you see yourself as a peer to your male counterparts, you won’t be respected.

Only when you know your strengths, can you submit them to others. You can’t do that, by being a second-class human.

#3 You Are Good at Failing

Boys are bred to be brave - mistakes are encouraged. It’s normal to fail. But, for the most part, society pressures girls to be without spot or wrinkle.

If you’re going to impact the church, you must learn how to fail well. Don’t wallow or make excuses for your failures. Let your failure weigh heavy on you. Once it’s shaped you, throw it off and move on. A successful person understands that failure is part of the success process.

Have the courage to step out and make mistakes.

#4 You Have the Guts to Make the Hard Calls

Esther responded, “If it please the king, give the Jews in Susa permission to do again tomorrow as they have done today, and let the bodies of Haman’s ten sons be impaled on a pole.” - Esther 9:12

Some people believe that women are fragile creatures who can’t carry the load of leadership.

Yet God put an entire nation on Esther’s shoulders and she carried it. It wasn’t enough to order Haman to death. Esther had the heads of Haman’s ten sons impaled on a pole, as a monument. The message was clear: “Don’t mess with God’s people.”

The church celebrates the vulnerable, nurturing side of femininity, but is offended by the gladiator. Yet, it’s the gladiator that God calls upon to finish the job. You need both.

There’s a gladiator in you. She may be asleep, imprisoned, or shut down every time she rises, but she’s in there. Join us on April 21, 2023 for the Gladiator Women’s event, and unleash the gladiator within you. The struggle to balance vulnerability and strength is real. Nobody understands like your sisters-in-arms.

So, come join us and let’s receive from Apostles Colette Toach and Katy Cornell. Your options:

1. Spend another 40 years to learn how to balance your femininity.

2. Or, register to receive a powerful impartation from this dynamic team.

Ask the questions you wished your mother answered. Engage in powerful collaboration with your sisters. Receive from Apostles Colette and Katy as a spiritual daughter. Let your gladiator woman loose April 21, 2023: Register now.

Chaifa Berry is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is the co-pastor of the Fivefold Ministry Campus and the right hand to Apostles Craig and Colette Toach. She is often found in her prayer closet breaking ground and tearing down every work of the enemy! She serves alongside her husband Nathan, building the Kingdom all over the world.

Chaifa Berry

Chaifa Berry is a Next Gen Prophet who serves under Apostle Craig & Colette Toach. Her focus is to heal, equip and train the next generation of prophets from their trauma. You’ll walk away set free and ready to overcome your past.


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