What Qualifies you for Fivefold Ministry

Written By Colette Toach

Apostle. Prophet. Pastor. All are fantastic titles dripping with various anointings and gifts. You will find a mile-long line at conferences of those looking for just one more word. Just one touch from God. There is no lack in the Church of those with an anointing, gift and opinion.

There is this one thing I recognize though. While many are readily claiming gifts and titles, there are few who are ready to carry the weight of the office. When you take on the title of prophet, apostle or pastor, you are doing way more than touting your pedigree. You are stepping forward to be accountable!

Apostle, that means you take on the weight of the church and all the failure you are quick to see. Carrying the weight of your office is not a call to having eyes to see. No, you have the office because God already gave you eyes to see. So ok, you see the mess. You see false teachers.

However, seeing is not enough! When you can take on the load of the wrong you see, then you step up into the office. How many more leaders will we see taking on titles, but not the responsibility of the office?

The Price No One Wants to Pay

Do you know what one of the greater prices of the office is guys? It’s not the position of leadership that you hold, but the position of servanthood that you qualified through.

Jesus is the son of God, yet he took on the form of a servant and did His Father’s bidding even unto death. It was not his position of leadership that qualified him to sit at the right hand of the Father. Rather it was His willingness to get down on his knees and wash the feet of His disciples. Jesus understood the responsibility of the office.

When the Disciples were debating over who should sit at his left and right, He asked, “Are you able to drink from my cup?” Well what cup did Jesus drink from? His life was never His own to say what He wanted. He could have! He was God! He had the power of choice. His choice was to serve.

Your qualification for your office does not lie in your anointing. It does not lie in your degrees or any of the gifts you operate in. Tell me, what qualified Jesus? Did His miracles qualify Him? Did His ability to teach qualify Him? No, what qualified Him to go to hell and snatch back the keys of death was His willingness to obey, serve and take on the responsibility of the office.

The responsibility of the office is not your ability to lead, but your ability to follow.

Your qualification lies in how much you are willing to let go of your ideas, opinions and dreams and to take hold of God’s plan for His Church.

Now, I am not saying that God will withhold His gifts. Nope, you can flow in the gifts. They are available to every believer. Every believer can prophesy if they so desire. Does that qualify you to lead as a general in the Kingdom though?

So when are you going to stop dipping your toe into the water and dive in headlong? It’s time to go past the gifts and titles. It’s time to stand up and to make ourselves accountable for the wrong we see in the Church. It is time to allow the Father to bring us to the cross to pay the price that other believers are not willing to pay. It is for us to allow God to position us in the uncomfortable so that we can open doors for others.

Not a pretty picture is it? Well now, if you ever thought that being called as an apostle or prophet was pretty, then someone sold you a really bad bill of goods. If the heart of a true leader burns in you, this message does not offend you. Rather it inspires you.

Know this - you are not the only one who is looking at what we see in the mainstream church and thinking, “Can we please DO something about this now?”

We are tired of the politics. We are tired of being muzzled and we are tired of pretending that we, as a Church already have all we need. No we don’t. We, as a Church are missing a whole lot of Jesus Christ!

You are called to dethrone man and give Jesus His place once more. It’s going to take a whole lot more than a few gifts and a title. It’s going to take allowing ourselves to reflect more of Christ than we do of “me, myself and I.” Bottom line? It’s time to transition from just preaching the message to becoming the message by living a life that reflects the change God requires for His Church!

Colette Toach

The Apostolic Handbook

Your personal voyage to Apostolic Office. Now available in paperback and kindle on Amazon.com

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