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What Qualifies you for Fivefold Ministry
While many are readily claiming gifts and titles, there are few who are ready to carry the weight of the office. When you take on the title of prophet, apostle, or pastor, you are doing way more than touting your pedigree. You are stepping forward to be accountable!
The Apostle's Heart
Being an apostle does not protect us from the arrows that are aimed at our backs. It does not mean we suddenly can just “handle” what others do to us. Rather, it is because of the process God has taken us through, that we are equipped to stand up again in the power of God. To once again, step out, brave the cold waters and be used of God.
The Brokenness of Apostolic Office
When you see someone trying to impose their title on you without the humility and brokenness of apostolic office to back it up, you are looking at a fraud. Apostolic Office is not an easy walk. It is a walk of brokenness and being shaped into what God wants you to be each moment of the day.
Apostolic Realities...
Ah yes, the apostolic walk is glorious isn’t it? I’m terribly sorry if I am not sounding very polished and glorious, but the truth is that the walk of the apostle is not a high and mighty one. It is a walk of being called to be the scum of the earth and being ready to do and be what God wants.