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What Qualifies you for Fivefold Ministry
While many are readily claiming gifts and titles, there are few who are ready to carry the weight of the office. When you take on the title of prophet, apostle, or pastor, you are doing way more than touting your pedigree. You are stepping forward to be accountable!
The Price You Paid
You pushed through when everyone thought you were crazy. You wrestled for the call. You wrestled for the promise. This is the nature of the call and so if you think you can sit at home, write a few blogs and shoot out a few posts on social media to be an apostle and Church leader… you have no clue!
Dismantling the Platform
When are we going to see apostles and ministry leaders extend their mantle beyond the pulpit? Is being an apostle truly all about fame and renown or is it about changing lives? One day you will die apostle. Who will be there to take your teachings to the next generation?
Apostle - Get Up!
There are so many that accuse apostles of their pride and failure, yet their voices are nothing compared to the inner wrestling any true apostle faces time and again.