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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Just one big happy family!

If you are like us, you are entering into a new season and now is the time to let go off the old and let the new spring forth. Those old promises, they were for a time and season, that time and season has passed

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Craig and Colette Toach Craig and Colette Toach

Resurrection is just a death away!

If the Lord is calling something to death, know it is for your own good. There is a reason and once through the grieving, you will rejoice in the resurrection that comes.

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Today's Apostle Colette Toach Today's Apostle Colette Toach

Your Apostolic Battlefield

A common characteristic of all apostles is the fearlessness we have towards bracing our battlefield. We are undaunted, determined and at times, a tad overboard on our arrogance. The point is, that if there is a battle to be won in our ministry, we are leading the charge.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

When God Sets You Up...

When God sets you up, He also means to take you through. Now you apostles out there… keep this one thing in mind… just because you stand in office does not mean that you are done with your process! (not unless you want to fossilize and stay on that plateau for the rest of your life!) With each new direction, the Lord will take you through a new process.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Your Wilderness Today is Your Apostolic Movement Tomorrow!

The greatest impact you will ever have in the Body of Christ is not created behind the pulpit. Paul changed the Church while under house arrest. Jesus birthed the Church on the cross. Your moment of wilderness today is your apostolic movement of tomorrow!

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

South Africa, here we come!

South Africa bound and remembering that although I think the world cannot turn without men reminding it to, that the pilot is well able to fly that plan all on his own!

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Today's Apostle Colette Toach Today's Apostle Colette Toach

Apostolic Realities...

Ah yes, the apostolic walk is glorious isn’t it? I’m terribly sorry if I am not sounding very polished and glorious, but the truth is that the walk of the apostle is not a high and mighty one. It is a walk of being called to be the scum of the earth and being ready to do and be what God wants.

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Craig Toach Craig Toach

FIRST TIME EVER - Keep an eye out

Keep an eye out - we will be doing a FIRST TIME EVER promotion on Kindle Select of Colette's new release “Today’s Prophet”. In other words, the eBook will only be available on Kindle

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Craig Toach Craig Toach

Get Your Today's Prophet Kindle eBook Copy Free

Colette and I, are proud to let you know, Colette's latest book, Today's Prophet, is in finally in ebook version and on Kindle right NOW! 

For those of you, who have joined the KindleUnlimited, it is free for download. For the rest, we will have a promotion for five days starting on the 3 August 2018

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Your Wealth vs. Kingdom Wealth

There are many rising up in my Body right now that use their revelations, strengths and wisdom so that they can become wealthy and give the church of their overflow. However, that is not what the Lord have called them to do. Rather to have them make others wealthy and to often times take a loss themselves. 

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Called to Succeed - a Prophetic Word

It's Monday and no better way to charge the battlefield than with Jesus at your back and the Spirit of God empowering you. May this word be the wind beneath your wings.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Apostolic Leadership Truth!

"It is not fair!" you have said time and time again. "I always seem to be the one taking the blame. I am wearing the load of responsibility. What about them, Lord? Why don't you get on their cases?"

Because they are not apostles - YOU ARE! To whom much is given, much is also required.

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Craig Toach Craig Toach

Run the Race Right

Let's face it, since the day you were born, you have been running a race. As you have grown, so the race got more difficult, yet it is still a race you need to run. My question for you today, is how are you going to run it? 

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Greetings from abroad

Living out of suitcases again is never easy, but working with such awesome people and seeing the Lord work in ways I could never expect, makes everything worthwhile. 

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