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Colette Toach Colette Toach

When You Qualify to Use the Title "Prophet"

In one of our recent podcasts, Colette and I spoke about how important it is for a prophet to be solid in who they are in their calling. If there is any weakness (like my ankles), you will find yourself tripping when you cannot afford it. So today I want to give you the three-step process to help you overcome your spiritual weak ankles. After following these three steps, you can know without a doubt whether you qualify to wear the title "prophet."

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

You Can Have Visions Today

Jesus wants to speak to you through visions. In fact, He already does! You just need to shift gears a little to recognize it. So here are some pointers for you when it comes to flowing in visions.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Why You Need Jurisdiction for Your Prayer Assignment

I spent hours just warring against the enemy before I could start building in the spirit. However, I could see and feel the difference from the times I prayed before I had been given that authority. Instead of aimlessly swinging my sword, I was armed with a mission and I could see exactly where I needed to target my warfare. For the first time in days, I could leave my prayer closet feeling accomplished and seeing fruit begin to show itself in the work.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Take Your God-Given Rights Back From the Devil!

So why do us Christians worry so much about what the enemy is doing and how powerful he is? He's only as powerful as we allow him to be. An ousted leader of a country has no power unless the people allow him to have a voice and allow him to influence them. I don't know of any country that would allow that to happen, except one... us Christians!

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Tap Into God's Unseen Power

I'm here today to tell you to stop fearing the shaking. For this shaking that you're facing, aren't the winds and waves that beat you down in your past? The shaking you see now is the evidence of an unseen power waiting to be released over you.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Why I Love the Prophets

Craig and I have been rather busy in our prophetic mentorship program this month. Meeting after meeting, we found prophets in front of us who craved one thing. They don't seek the limelight. They don't need someone to tell them how great their word is. Rather, they look into our eyes and say, "I just never had someone choose me before."

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Let Go of the Struggle - God's Got This

I'm calling out to you today, My child. Let go! You have done what you needed to do, and until you surrender and let go, I cannot step in and pull you out of there. I promise you, My child,…

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

7 Signs You Need Deliverance

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who wondered if I needed deliverance. When you're experiencing pressures that are beyond what you can handle, your reactions aren't always ... pure and holy (to say the least). So, are you possessed or oppressed?

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Psychological Warfare and How to Defend Yourself

You don't have to tell me twice to pick up my prophetic sword to wreak havoc on the kingdom of darkness. For most prophets, this is our happy place. This is why, when the enemy tries to get us down, he uses the kind of warfare we don't see coming.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

5 Signs That You are In Prophetic Training

Each prophet can identify this “switch” from preparation to training. It is a change from just functioning in the gifts, to having a burning desire for the authority of the prophet.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Why You Need Jurisdiction for Spiritual Warfare

The air went cold, and we felt a presence in the room. In vision, I saw what looked like a chieftain warrior, and he didn't look impressed! He was kicking up a dust storm. By the Spirit we knew that we were coming against the prince of Mexico. We bound his influence, and for the months that followed we continued to do warfare. We pressed in with the message that it was time to "let God's people go!"

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

What You Ought to Know About the Seer Prophet

I saw everything, and I couldn't turn it off! I wept when I saw someone who didn't feel valuable in this world. I was angry when I saw lukewarm Christians lead prayer meetings. I was overjoyed to see someone desire a relationship with Jesus. I saw a portion of what God saw, yet, as much as I could see, my eyes kept me on the outside looking in.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, 'I Have Called You to War'

Dear Legends,

Today's generation of Millennials and Gen Zs believe knowledge is power. We are a generation who wants to know your story, and we value what you have to offer! We're here because the message you sacrificed and paid every price for wasn't in vain and was birthed for such a time as this—for this generation.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

How I Encountered Jesus in a Car Wreck on My Way to Legoland!

There I was, cruising down the highway as I followed my father in our three-car convoy to a sunny summer day at Legoland, with our entire family. Music was blaring, my husband, sister, and her fiance at the time were all jamming to Toby Mac as we discussed all we wanted to do that day, drooling after the amazing cheesy Jalapeno bread we would….

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

3 Tips and Tricks to Navigate Your Prophetic Process

My story takes place in the middle of such a storm. I was heavily pregnant with my first child and waiting for my husband, Craig, to come home. A bolt of lightning struck our electric generator, and what I heard was a bomb blast followed by pitch black as our electricity went out.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Why Do We Need Another Great Move of God?

Another century has turned and can you feel the undercurrent in the spirit? God is, once again, preparing us for the next move. Look up church! God is moving again and He has shifted our societies to accommodate it. The Lord has gone to great lengths to position you to encounter Him.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

How Do You Know if You are Called to be a Prophet?

The prophet's heart is not defined by their ability to prophesy but by their relationship with Jesus and passion to heal the brokenhearted. When I realized I was called to be a prophet, it was not because I could prophesy. I had been doing that since the age of 4! No, when the Lord Jesus revealed my purpose, He did so by pointing to my heart.

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