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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Can You Be Spirit-Filled Without Speaking in Tongues?

Speaking in tongues was part and parcel of the charismatic circle. Truthfully, you never felt like you had arrived until you could join in the crescendo of passionate tongues as praise and worship came to an end during Sunday morning service. You can well imagine then how stuck I felt being one of the only family members who just never got Spirit-filled.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Why Worship Will Win Your Every Battle

When you introduce praise into your prayer closet, you establish a direct connection to the one who intercedes at the right hand of the Father on your behalf. When you are permanently tapped into Jesus, your intercession becomes an overflow of His.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Ramblings From a Slightly Charred Apostle!

I guess what I am trying to say guys is that you don't need more. You're enough. The Lord Jesus is not punishing you with the fire. He is refining you and bringing the best part of you to the foreground.

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Leadership Colette Toach Leadership Colette Toach

Bring Back the “Normal” to Prophetic Ministry

God is bringing the prophetic move to all denominations. Unfortunately, because pastors and leaders are looking at these prophets saying, “That is not a leader that I want in my church. ”It is killing what God is trying to do in His church. I’m not talking about compromising, I am talking about the need for a bit of humility!

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

This is Your Fight!

…stop just sitting and taking the attacks and please, stop blaming the Lord for them. He put a key in your hand. He put a sword in your holster, now could you please use them? The Holy Spirit trained you for such a time as this.

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Prophetic Word, Relationships Craig and Colette Toach Prophetic Word, Relationships Craig and Colette Toach

God's Word for 2020. The Next Leg of the Race

We live in a Church society where everyone is keen for their next season. So ready to throw away the “old” and forget about all the bad of the past, they run full steam ahead. However, for 2020 the Lord has a different word for His people. “I am not doing a new thing, but rather I am building on the foundation that has already been laid in the years past.”

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Apostolic Arrogance

I am the first person to say things straight… but does that also mean saying things nasty? How often do we cross that line and then wonder why doors slam shut?

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Leadership, Prophetic Ministry Colette Toach Leadership, Prophetic Ministry Colette Toach

The Prophet "Fun Hat" Challenge

ALL YOU PROPHETS OUT THERE - your fire is gorgeous! LOVE IT! Thing is… it just needs some personality. People… well… need to like you. So yes, realize that it’s healthy to laugh at yourself. It’s healthy to realize that we can get a bit carried away sometimes! It’s healthy to take time to invest in relationships that are not linked to your platform!

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Leadership, Apostolic Office Colette Toach Leadership, Apostolic Office Colette Toach

The Price You Paid

You pushed through when everyone thought you were crazy. You wrestled for the call. You wrestled for the promise. This is the nature of the call and so if you think you can sit at home, write a few blogs and shoot out a few posts on social media to be an apostle and Church leader… you have no clue!

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Leadership, Relationships Colette Toach Leadership, Relationships Colette Toach

The Apostle's Heart

Being an apostle does not protect us from the arrows that are aimed at our backs. It does not mean we suddenly can just “handle” what others do to us. Rather, it is because of the process God has taken us through, that we are equipped to stand up again in the power of God. To once again, step out, brave the cold waters and be used of God.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Ok Apostle, Let's Talk Straight

I like to give it straight. Just my style - some folks love it and others find me offensive. I am not alone in this mindset. There are a bunch of us apostles out there who like to “say it like it is.” Today though I want to present these apostles with the same challenge that God often sends my way…

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Allowing Relationships to Evolve

Its time to LET PEOPLE BE! No… not everyone wants to be in your innermost circle. Do you know why? They simply do not want to pay the price to stay there. Sure enough, they want the benefits of it but they do not want to pay the price for it.

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Apostolic Mandate Colette Toach Apostolic Mandate Colette Toach

The Brokenness of Apostolic Office

When you see someone trying to impose their title on you without the humility and brokenness of apostolic office to back it up, you are looking at a fraud. Apostolic Office is not an easy walk. It is a walk of brokenness and being shaped into what God wants you to be each moment of the day.

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