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Colette Toach Colette Toach

Signs you have a stronghold of guilt

Guilt is the devil's voice speaking louder to you than Jesus.

It's a consumer of wisdom, joy, peace, and love. Many of us live with this liar in our life unaware of it's thieving presence. I want you to know the signs of this stronghold so you can break free.

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Dalton Beckering Dalton Beckering

Why You Keep Dreaming of Being in a Bedroom

A bedroom means something different to each person. For most, it speaks of a place of intimacy and privacy. For others, it means to entertain sin through temptation.

Whatever room you're dreaming about, you'll find out its interpretation here.

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Anne Chen Anne Chen

The Reason Why People You Know May Appear in Your Dreams

Internal dreams are God's personal messages to you. So, if you dream about your Auntie Lulu, don't tell her all about your dream. Your Auntie Lulu represents an aspect of you. Let the Lord speak to you through your internal dream! 

Your relationship with the Lord will grow exponentially when you identify how many of your dreams have been internal.

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Colette Toach Colette Toach

How to Get Rid of Generational Curses

A generational curse is sin embedded into your family's mindset, culture, and habit. This sin is passed down from generation to generation.

The greatest battle is to identify it. That's because it's hidden in plain sight. That family "thing" became normal to you. It often lies dormant until you begin to rise up in your call.

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Anne Chen Anne Chen

Journaling: How to Receive a Personal Prophetic Word Daily

If you’re not used to expressing yourself in writing, don’t worry. Open your heart and share. Jesus will meet you where you’re at.

The first time you journal, block out some time when you won’t be disturbed. Listen to some worship music or read the Word to prepare yourself. Sit down with your device or paper and pen and start the conversation. 

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

4 Mindsets of a Successful Woman Leader

I can imagine that for a man of such great physical strength, there isn’t anything more vulnerable than the inability to protect himself. I looked at him with the same hope of trying to explain the color “blue” to a blind man, “You have no idea how resilient women are.”

I know what it’s like to be overpowered. But, I discovered that what a woman lacks in physical strength, she makes up for in soul and spirit.

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

How to Be Brave When You Don’t Feel It

Perfection is over-rated.

God never expects perfection. He is perfect so you don’t have to be. False doctrines are straight jackets that keep you (and the anointing) imprisoned.

Renounce the agreement you made with the enemy and renew your mind with the Word.

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Anne Chen Anne Chen

3 Reasons Why It’s Never Too Late To Pursue Your Call!

Distractions or detours may have come into your life. You might feel like you're stuck on a plateau. But it's never too late to get back on track with your call and move forward. You're wired to recognize God's voice.

Calling means that you shift from where you are, into the Lord’s presence. To answer the call is to begin a walk towards the Throne Room.” - Apostle Colette Toach, Called. Commissioned. Mandated.

Today, God is calling you to His Throne Room. Don't delay. His church needs you.

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

The 4 Signs You Are Ready To Leave The Wilderness

God calls you into full-time ministry when you least expect it.

Just when you get used to the wilderness and sand between your toes, doors open.

Thirteen years ago, I was content to be a full-time nanny to the cutest eight-month-old boy.

I spent hours with the Lord. I made enough to pay my bills, and I led a quiet life. Before that, it was not so. 

I was the Youth Pastor, Intercessory Prayer Leader, and House Prophet. And I loved it all! But God had different plans for me, so off I went into the wilderness. Ministry opportunities died. God severed key relationships until there was nothing, but sand between my toes. I kicked and screamed all the way to the desert.

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

3 Signs You're Called To Full-Time Ministry

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” - Jeremiah 1:5 

To be called is to be separated. You cannot fit into the status quo when you’re called to change it. When you get that, you begin to embrace the reality of your call.

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

It's Time To Launch Your Ministry!

When the Lord commissions you, your position is secure.

Doors open. People are ready to receive from you and welcome your help. You're required to step out and take action.

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Anne Chen Anne Chen

How do I overcome an orphan spirit?

Constantly striving for validation and love is not your inheritance. Rejection may have shaped you, but Jesus has never stopped pursuing you with His love.

Your struggle hasn't gone unnoticed. You're not invisible to Him. God's process has brought you this far. Now take the next step to break free.

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Deborah-Anne Velthuysen Deborah-Anne Velthuysen

Why God Hasn't Healed You

God has spent your entire life preparing you for the trial you face. Your sickness is a ploy of the enemy designed to distract you from the prophetic call on your life.

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

The Most Controversial Apostolic Type - The Market Place Apostle

Are you a Joseph Apostle? Do you recognize the signs? You're not alone. Perhaps you’d rather be behind the pulpit than stuck in the boardroom, yet there you are. God has positioned you there because the Church needs you to finish your process. She needs financial healing.

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Chaifa Berry Chaifa Berry

4 Signs You Are A Solomon Apostle

Such is a Solomon Apostle - one who is a successor of another. 

If you're a Solomon, you inherit resources, a pattern, and a team. So that you might build your spiritual father's blueprint. 

To an outsider, it would seem you receive everything on a silver platter. But for a Solomon Apostle, you carry the burden of proof. Proof of your worth. Proof of your apostleship. 

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Bethany Sealy Bethany Sealy

3 Signs to Identify and Overcome Prophetic Deception

When the enemy gets one over on you through deception/misinterpretation or even an outright stronghold of fear, doubt or unbelief, you have 2 choices in how you respond.

  1. You can get mad at yourself or even at God for allowing you to be so easily manipulated. I mean surely the Lord could have manifested the gift of discerning of spirits and given you a clue here, right?

  2. You can press in and learn the tactics the enemy is using against you.

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